Moderator tools [1.x]

Top resources

Moderator Essentials X
Tools and Features that Improve Moderator Productivity.
[TAC] Stop Human Spam wmtech
[TAC] Stop Human Spam 1.4.8 $19.00
Set conditions on signature/links/homepage & stop post creation for banned words
Report Improvements by Xon X
A Collection of improvements to XF's reporting system
Warning Improvements by Xon X
Collection of improvements to XF's warning system
Login as anyone on your forum, for any reason...
Promote and Demote User truonglv
Allow Moderator Or Admin Quickly Promote Or Demote User
[TAC] Auth Captcha wmtech
Stop bots registering via FaceBook/Google/Twitter authorization
Mark threads as solved/unsolved, with own permissions; and solved/abandoned banners
Delete and move threads to a specific trash can node with two clicks.
Move threads with only 2 clicks to your trash can forum
Moderation Macros X
Improve moderator efficiently by providing single buttons for popular combos of actions
Easy User Ban by Siropu Siropu
Allows moderators to manage bans from the front-end and display public banned users list.
Allows Stickies or Staff threads to be visible in a forum without "View threads by others"
This add-on creates automatic an warning thread, when a mod warns somebody
Warning Acknowledgement X
Allows forcing acknowledgement of a warning
Warn Thread AndyB
When a warning is issued, a new thread is automatically created for staff members.
Allow moderators and administrators to be warned.
Define different moderation tasks and let your mods run them with only 2 clicks
Creates an Thread after somebody sends the contact formular
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