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[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot wmtech
[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot 3.0.32 $29.00
Stop bots registering using elegant methods that do not bother humans
A collection of replacement queries for getting lists of stuff aimed at large forums.
Anti-Spam by CleanTalk AlexanderBezborodov
Cloud anti spam. No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math and no spam bots
Workarounds for sporadic deadlocks on busy forums
Make sending email easier.
[WMTech] Social Share Privacy wmtech
Super-Responsive, Beautiful Buttons For Social Sharing Protecting Your Visitors From Being Tracked
Delete own message without confirmation
[XFA] Multiple Countdown XFA
[XFA] Multiple Countdown 2.4.0 €4.00
Add a new block in your forum sidebar with an unlimited number of countdowns !
[XFA] Forum Statistics XFA
[XFA] Forum Statistics 2.4.1 €6.00
This add-on allows you to add a statistics page about your forum, resource manager, media gallery.
Trader AndyB
Trader 1.5
Allows giving feedback on sellers and buyers.
ElasticSearch Essentials X
Additional functionality for forums running XenForo Enhanced Search (ElasticSearch).
Affiliate Parser AndyB
Adds an affiliate ID to the end of URLs.
What's New Page by AddonsLab AddonsLab
An overview page showing all new content from XenForo and installed add-ons
Who Voted AndyB
Who Voted 1.4
Shows who voted in a poll.
Weekly Digest AndyB
Sends an email to your members every week showing most popular topics.
New User Email AndyB
Sends an email welcoming new members to your forum.
Email Subscription AndyB
Send a daily email with the last 24 hours new topics.
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