ElasticSearch Essentials

Unmaintained ElasticSearch Essentials 2.4.13

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.5
Additional requirements
XenForo Enhanced Search
ElasticSearch (2.x, 5.x or 6.x)
php 5.4+
Updates duration
12 Months ($15 Yearly Renewal + GST for Australian Residents)
Visible branding
This add-on REQUIRES XenForo Enhanced Search and ElasticSearch to be installed. Without it, this will not do anything.

After the installing for the first time, you must use the "Delete Index" option and recreate the index.

This add-on requires ElasticSearch v2.0 or newer, it does not support 1.x or older!

Search Bar Auto Complete

When your users type in the search bar on your forum they will see suggestions based on what they have typed so far. The terms come from phrases used in your index rather than just common words. This means that it should work well for niche boards, any language, etc... This can really help reduce missed searches.

Similar Threads

On a new thread, provides potentially similar threads as the title is being created.

On viewing a thread, provides a list of potentially similar threads (based of title and any tags). Uses caching to reduce hits to the search system (but still requires at least 1 SQL query to ensure visibility checks).

Suggestions/"Did You Mean" Functionality

There are two different "Did You Mean" features. One type is for even when the user has results for their search but there is a more popular, similar, term in your board's index. This can lead to better results. It also helps reduce typos. The other type is for when there are no results for their query, they will be presented with a list of similar terms that appear in your index.

Post Areas

On a user's profile, shows forums by post count where the user posts the most.

Search Deleted Content

From the advanced search page, if a user has permission to see deleted content for some forums, they may search for deleted content.

Deleted search options:
  • Exclude deleted
  • Include deleted
  • Only search deleted
Per-forum Permissions

  • [ESE] Use similar threads (Thread create)
  • [ESE] Use similar threads (View Thread)
  • [ESE] Use auto-complete
    • Note; requires this to be granted at the user-group level for this feature to be usable from the search page or the forum root page.

Post-Installation Instructions

The auto complete functionality does require your index to be deleted (and thus recreated) from the admin panel. It will not happen automatically on installation because I understand this might not be ideal. If you don't wish to use the auto complete functionality, you can delay deleting the index and the suggestions/did you mean features will still work.


I recommend using Add-on install & upgrade to install this add-on.
  • Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 10.40.53 PM.webp
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    Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 10.42.34 PM.webp
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First release
Last update


4.64 star(s) 11 ratings

More resources from Xon

Latest updates

  1. 2.4.13 - Maintenance update

    Option to log optimize index errors (for ElasticSearch troubleshooting) Compatibility fix for...
  2. 2.4.12 - Compatibility update

    Compatibility bugfix - prevent Undefined index on checking if ElasticSearch type mappings are...
  3. 2.4.11 - Bugfix update

    Compatibility bugfix - prevent Undefined index on checking if ElasticSearch type mappings are...

Latest reviews

If you have elastic search you should have elastic search essentials. Runs well on our site. Great support from @xon!
Excellent search addon. Xenforo basic search is not very good. The enhanced elastisearch should be xenforo standard as it's quite functional. This add on then takes it to another level with a much better user experience... Instant thread suggestions and keyword suggestions "did you mean?".
It's a little pricey but I'd always pay extra for good support. This Dev responded right away when I had questions.
This is an amazing search addon that will offer a serious upgrade to your site. It adds predictive search with live preview, similar threads will avoid duplicate threads, 'did you mean'. This is all really useful and will greatly enhance search.

This high quality code runs smooth on my big board. Xon is really fast with updates and bug fixes. Solid addon!
You don't know what you're missing if you don't have this installed; the autocomplete search is EXCELLENT. The first 5 people I showed it to were all genuinely excited. My co-admin commented "This is so nice. The default XF search is somewhat clunky, this feels very modern and nice."

The similar thread suggestion feature I feel is better than anything else available for XF. I have it visible below Quick Reply and when typing a title for a new thread.

It reduces the number of duplicate threads and is one of those things that helps any forum.

Sure, this add-on requires ElasticSearch and XF Enhanced Search, but I wholeheartedly recommend even smaller forums getting them so that you can take advantage of ElasticSearch Essentials, its autocomplete search and similar thread suggestions.

As for how Xon supports his add-ons, it's out of this world. Had a small bug which I reported on a Saturday night, and wow, Xon debugged it in incredible detail and provided a fix right there and then.

If only all developers were like Xon...!
Finally a PERFECT similar thread function for XF. :) One of the best addons out there! This is a must have if you have ES installed!
Fixed a bug in half an hour! Software works as advertised no problems and is brilliant feature for members.
I've been running this add-on for some time, and love it. Just for kicks I enabled autocomplete today and I'm very impressed with how much it has improved since 2015. Autocomplete is going to stay on from now on! Congrats Xon!
Diamond in search relating addons. Like I said in last review, @Xon is able to fix every big or little bug you can somehow found in addon. Fixing bug wich stops me listing soft deleted posts, make my Admin life easier, much easier. Worth every little cent.
Like it! Huge improvements made by Xon. Absolutely superb and fundamental addon which makes search functionality not one, but two level above classic usability on forums.
Worth every little penny/cent. Autocomplete search, suggested search terms, searching for soft deleted posts... makes every forum owner with smile on his face.
I must say that Xon is there when you need any help with this addon, or when you found some bug. He fix it very fast, and that makes him accountable developer.
Thanks Xon, you are doing a great job. Keep on shining!
One of my goals with my site is to help my members to find what they need inside my site. This addon is great in that regard. Thank you very much.
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