BB code [1.x]

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s9e Media BBCodes pack JoshyPHP
★ Guaranteed to contain every media site you need. Or at least some of them maybe. ★
This puts a "HR" button in the text editor.
[ITD] Embedded Scribd Documents Mediasite BB Code XFA
You can Embed all scribd documentsin to your board via Mediasite BB Code
User Mentions Improvements by Xon X
Improvements to XenForo's user mentions system (user group tagging)
Timed Spoiler AndyB
Displays a spoiler BB Code in a message after a given period of time.
BbCodes & Buttons Manager cclaerhout
Create some Bb Codes & Buttons - Configure XenForo default Bb Codes
Inline Code DL6
This add-on add the inline code bbcode in your forum.
[tLk] Limit Tags Quote DrYontem
Limits tag using in quote tags
Anchor BBcode (BBM) - Anchorman otto
Add anchors to your posts in your Xenforo forum.
Youtube Media Site Extended EQnoble
Extends the default Youtube mediasite functionality to include start/end time and playlists.
Smilies Everywhere Gwendal.G
Add-on to add smileys everywhere on your forum.
Embedded Flash Games with BBCode Media Sites XFA
Embeded Flash Games with BBCode Media Sites for XF 1.5.X
Pokémon Sprites Velli
Sprite of all Pokémon.
javascript chess games viewer for websites, blogs and live broadcasts
Thread & Post BB Code X
Bbcodes to generate Friendly URLs to threads or posts from the ID.
XenCentral Wiki Tools XCentral
XenCentral Wiki Tools 1.4.0 €24.99
XC Wiki Tools allows to embed Wikipedia article content into any post using configurable BB codes
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