Moderator Essentials

Unmaintained Moderator Essentials 1.14.5

No permission to buy ($45.00)
  • Convert unphrased text in ModCP 'ban user' screen to use phrased text
  • Fix styling on for modlog counts on forum-navbar
  • Fix bug preventing mod-log counts from showing as expected when non-large value was detected
  • Rework cache invalidation logic to better handle new mod-log item detection
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Reactions: zastavra
  • Fix a long standing issue that after changing permissions would cause issues with mod-log invalidation resulting in all moderators with certain search preferences temporarily having search results of the user who made the permission changes.
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Reactions: zastavra
  • On managing tags via ModEss panel, attempt to preserve the ordering/filtering link on edit/delete/merging a tag
  • Style comparibility tweaks;
    • "Add Mod Log count to moderator toolbar" option
    • "Add Mod Log count to forum nav bar" option
    • "Always add to the mod toolbar" option

Disable "Add Mod Log count to forum nav bar" option to revert to pre-1.14.0 behaviour
  • Fix link to Mod CP for users without the permission to view moderator logs
  • New option "Require access permission", if see requires new 'access mod panel' permission.
  • Add more consistent permission checking on display links in Mod CP.
  • New permission; "[ModEss] Access Mod Panel"
  • New permission; "[ModEss] Manage Thread Reply Bans"
  • Installer now requires php 5.4+
  • Fix Warning Improvements compatibility issue where "Rollback Warning" admincp option would show the Custom Warning rather than "None".
    • The custom warning wasn't actually used, it just displayed in the admincp
  • Reduce memory usage when tagging threads from thread-list
  • Do not do a redundant SQL query when discussion node is not set.
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Reactions: HappyWorld
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