Report Improvements by Xon

Unmaintained Report Improvements by Xon 1.11.0

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  • Add "Log to report centre and forum" option
  • Inject Content Date for profile post & profile post comments reports
  • Respect global message length limits, media/image count limits for report comments
  • Add search bits to report profile post comment
  • Add Warnings for user search link to reports (requires re-indexing report comments)
  • Add Reports to Moderation Queue entires
    • Maps Thread to reports for the first post
    • Maps User Essential's username changes too user reports
  • Added report search to profile post reports
  • Improve add-on extendability for report alerts.
  • Fix report comments not auto-linking URLs, migrate URLs to format used by XF2
    • Note; Upgrading from XF1 to XF2 does not currently do this migration.
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Reactions: TAIFUN
  • Migrate old user mentions in report comment to the same format as XF2
    • Fixes existing user mentions being garbled.
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Reactions: TAIFUN and eva2000
New features (Thanks @NixFifty)
  • Render smilies in reports comments
  • Automagically resolve/reject reports that have not received attention in x days (default disabled)
Maintenance tweaks:
  • Remove redundant query when handling new comments
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Reactions: TAIFUN
  • ElasticSearch 6 single-type index fixes
    • May require re-indexing from scratch due to mappings updates
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Reactions: Alpha1 and Sunka
  • Integrate reply-bans into warning process.
    • On issuing a warning, options under 'content tab' to issue a reply ban
    • Admin settable defaults for;
      • Reply ban type; none/temporary/permanent.
      • Reply ban duration
      • Send alerts
        • Reply ban reason is automatically set to the warning title if empty.
    • Reply bans issued from a post warning automatically log to the post report.
  • Display linked reports when reporting a post
  • Display linked reports when deleting a post (even from deleting a thread)
    • Individual or single deletes can resolve linked reports, if the user has permission.
    • Individual or single deletes will log to an existing report regardless, logging the delete reason if provided.
  • Report Criteria;
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