Report Improvements by Xon

Unmaintained Report Improvements by Xon 1.11.0

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Configurable how report comments alerts are sent to moderators:
  1. Alert all moderators.
  2. Alert watchers on reply and all moderators for new alerts.
  3. Alert watchers on reply (Default).
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Note; This update's features have been part of a private build for the last ~2 months.
  • Categorization of Report Comment alerts.
    • Report state transaction rather than just 'comment' where appropriate.
  • Report Comment Likes.
  • Report Alerts are logged into Report Comments.
  • Report Comment searching.
Screenshot of search:


More search options (being able to search for the reported user for example), and integration of report search itself is planned for a future 1.1.x branch update.
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  • Work around for a bug in Email Reports by Waindigo (it will report if you are using a buggy version)
  • Tweaked table creation to ensure consistent utf8 usage.
  • XF 1.5 profile post comment support (same permission as profile posts).
1.0.20 - private version, not publically released.
  • Options for resolving the report associated with a warning on editing/deleting.
  • XF 1.5 Beta2 introduces a breaking changes. This is a compatibility update, which is backwards compatible older versions.
Fix an compatibility issue with Alter Ego Detector report's notification.
Permit user tagging from the 'report' form.

This is implemented per content type, and will require extra work to support non-standard contents.
Do not send report comments alerts when a user is tagged in a report
Remove unused try ... finally statements which broke compatibility with versions of php before 5.5
Fix the "Log Automatically Expiring Warning to Report" option.
- This option causes expired warnings to be logged into a report by a designated user. And leaves the report assigned to the previous user.
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