Add-ons [1.x]

Top resources

[SolidMean] ForumBackup S
Schedule backups of your database and XenForo root directory
Thread Reply Banner X
Displayed per-thread banners above the editor for users.
Adds User Criteria designed to help spot spam bots, and other misc tasks.
Proxy Link-Forum X
Converts link forums into proxies for actual forums
Threadmarks Sidane
Tag specific posts in a thread so they can be easily navigated to.
[bd] Medal xfrocks
Reward member with shiny medals
[HA] XFRM Resources Layout Ozzy47
Easily change the layout of Resources list in XFRM
[cXF] Facebook Sidebar Block BassMan
Add Facebook Page widget to your sidebar block with some extra features.
[cXF] Twitter Sidebar Block BassMan
Add Twitter widget to your sidebar block with some extra features.
Relatively quick updates, all from the comfort of your admin control panel.
TPU: Detect and Block Spam Registrations W1zzard
Score based tests to detect and block spammers upon registering
Do I need an app for my Forum? Aayush
Measure the need for mobile apps before you commit.
[HA] XFRM Categories Layouts Ozzy47
Show XFRM Categories in a very new and attractive way
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