Add-ons [1.x]

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Shows a sidebar with users current live streams.
Style your XenForo easily. Compilation of template modifications and much more
URL Tag with Title field (OUTDATED) cclaerhout
This addon will extend the default XenForo url Bb Code with a title field
A robust and powerful system to provide custom bb-codes for your forums.
sonnb - Stop Spam Here - Stop Forum Spam API sonnb
An additional addon that bring Stop Forum Spam API to "Stop Spam Here" addon
sonnb - Stop Spam Here - SpamBusted API sonnb
An additional addon that bring SpamBusted API to "Stop Spam Here" addon
Images linking to XBL, PSN, and Steam profiles from the user postbit
[RT] Custom Sidebar Block Daniel 'RTRD'
This can be used for those who don't have XenPorta or Widget Framework
Comfortable CAPTCHA and protection from spam bots
Adds an EXTRA.css and an extra.js file to the admin.
Move threads to recycle byn/both hard soft Delete Threads CRON entry
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