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Unmaintained Custom BB Code Manager v1.3.4

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Reviews 4.97 star(s) 33 reviews

Just what I was looking for!
Great Addon. Heading tags need to be included in XenForo by default.
Great Addon
both liked it and loved it
B E A U T I F U L :)
Great add-on for those that want to have custom BB codes like tables.
This is KEY! The very first add-on I installed on my new forum.
A much needed tool for managing buttons and making things easy for the users. Great job!
Essential add-on for just about any board.
Excellent add-on! It will be absolutely fantastic if permission options will be avaible not only for editor, but also for parser methods.
Thanks for the update
AMAZING!!! Love the WYSIWYG bar editor! A MUST HAVE!!
One of the essential addons for XF forums that need more than the standard BBcode
This is really a useful addition to xenforo, finally i can even customize the editor buttons. Kudos for fixing the bugs in 1.3.2
must have for everyone
should be core
First class Add-on
Brilliant addon.
Amazing Addon!
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