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Remove Moderated Notices AndyB
Hide all moderated notices to those members who have their posts and threads being moderated.
Disable Tagging AndyB
Disables the tagging feature.
Type Urdu directly from the editor in the forum using the phonetic Urdu keyboard
Smilie Count AndyB
Limits the number of smilies allowed in a message.
Posting AndyB
Posting 1.2
Prevent others from posting a reply until the thread starter has finished.
Let users know when a post is official!
TMDb Integration - Movie Info Generator yavuz
Generates movie information using TMDb API, embedd movie information into posts using BB Code
Custom URL Romanization yavuz
Change the letters in your url's to your own needs.
Adds a "Tag" link to posts
Control "nofollow" URLs Chris D
Specify usergroups which will not have the "nofollow" attribute on posts and Resources they make.
Displays a users status in their postbit on the forum.
Download Tracker DRE
Track who downloads your attachments.
sonnb - Minimum Post Length 1.0.0 sonnb
User's post must contain at least X characters to be posted
Talk about yourself in the third-person as seen in IRC, Steam and TaigaChat Pro and other chat apps
Posts not reaching the character limit are not counted towards the user's post count.
Choose usergroups who can post URLs without the usual NoFollow attribute
Configured to block most URL shortener services from being posted.
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