Add-ons [2.x]

Top resources

  • s9e Media Sites
    s9e Media Sites
    Improves the performance and usability of media sites, and adds many popular new sites.
    • JoshyPHP
    • Updated:
  • Add-on Update Notifier
    Add-on Update Notifier
    🚨 Receive auto alerts when your 🛠️ installed add-ons have some 🆕 versions/updates available
    • mazzly
    • Updated:
  • Chat 2 by Siropu
    Chat 2 by Siropu
    Feature-rich, mobile-friendly chat application with Rooms, Private Conversations and more.
    • Siropu
    • Updated:
  • AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2
    AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2
    📈 Boost your mobile traffic with ⚡ Accelerated Mobile Pages and 🔋 Awesome Core Web Vitals
    • mazzly
    • Updated:
  • [Andrew] Moderator Panel
    [Andrew] Moderator Panel
    A suite of enhanced options and visibility all built into a single moderator panel
    • AndrewSimm
    • Updated:

Trending resources

[DBTech] DragonByte Credits DragonByte Tech
Members can gain points for various things around the forum like posting.
[DBTech] DragonByte Social Groups DragonByte Tech
Create private or public social groups from within your forum.
[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce DragonByte Tech
Sell your products in the ultimate forum eCommerce solution.
[XT] Membermap mcatze
A membermap based on user location field with opt-in.
Attachment Improvements By Xon X
A collection of improvements to XF's attachment system
Loom AndyB
Loom 1.0 $35.00
Creates a Loom BB code media site.
Search Improvements X
Various search improvements including infrastructure for additional search related addons
Style info AndyB
Style info 1.2 $35.00
Shows number of members using each style.
[cXF] Top Navigation BassMan
[cXF] Top Navigation 1.9.6 €25.00
Add extra navigation on top of your forum with many options.
AdBlock Detector Pro Wutime
AdBlock Detector Pro v2.4.2 $40.00
Recoup Revenue, Promote Upgrades & Registrations
Email Log v1.1.3
Add-on to allow administrators to keep track of outbound emails sent for quick debugging.
[Xen-Soluce] Invite System XenSoluce
[Xen-Soluce] Invite System 2.4.0 Fix 1 €20.00
Generate invitation codes to join your forum and more
[DigitalPoint] Security digitalpoint
Addon to help users keep their account secure.
[XFA] Users Ratings/Reputations System XFA
Bring capability for users to rate one another
D.C Style - Link Proxy D.C Style
D.C Style - Link Proxy 1.1.5 Patch Level 3
Encrypt external links in the article and create a redirect page for those links.
[cXF] Login Widget BassMan
[cXF] Login Widget 1.3.0 €12.00
Login widget + login form on forum view or thread view.
AntiSpam by CleanTalk CleanTalk Team
Max power, all-in-one, no CAPTCHA, premium antispam plugin. No comment spam, no registration spam.
XF2 [8WR] Database Backup Jaxel
XF2 [8WR] Database Backup $10.00
Automatic database backups. Add-on from 8WAYRUN.
|XFA] Exclude Subcategory resources from list - XF2 XFA
Exclude subcategories resources from being displayed in category resource list.
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