Threadmarks Pro

Threadmarks Pro 2.21.10

No permission to buy ($40.00)
  • Fix adding a threadmark to a post which had deleted a threadmark with a different position could result in the threadmark's next/previous links failing
  • Fix changing a threadmark category could result in broken next/previous links
  • Adjust phrases used on the threadmark index
  • Add 'scroll' icon to 'read all threadmarks' link
  • When adding a threadmark, show the content date for the previous/next threadmarks as applicable
  • Add xf-rebuild:content-metadata-for-threadmark CLI command
  • Fix editing a threadmark would reset it's creation date
  • Fix search pop-up on the threads/threadmarks page not having the expected context (ie search this thread option)
  • Fix deleting a reaction on the first post of a thread would cause the thread reactions to unexpectedly reset
  • Fix internal site error when editing a post which adds a threadmark and an attachment
  • "Read thread" link on /threadmarks page now jumps to the first post instead of the start of the thread which may have embedded threadmark index
  • Remove ajax filter from embedded threadmark list
  • Fix incorrect permission check when creating a thread and using an existing thread as the source of the threadmark index.
    • This would disclose the threadmark index from the existing thread (if it exists), but would not show the existing thread title or contents
  • Fix recent threadmark dropdown did not attribute the threadmark's creation to a user
  • Add "Threadmarks - Show additional links in grid all the time" style property
  • On threadmarks page, add "read all threadmarks" reader mode link (if reader mode and "all" reader mode is enabled)
  • Restore showing post like count when hovering on a threadmark's wordcount and post page/position in links.
    • This is done by embedding various content metadata into a json blob on the threadmarks table, which avoids additional joins
    • Requires rebuilding threadmarks via php cmd.php xf-rebuild:threadmarks --resync (should be done after the installer finishes)
  • Fix "Call to a member function exists() on null" when moving a threadmarked post to an existing thread
  • Fix watch button & tags displaying when the threadmark index header is embedded into the first page of a thread
  • If installed, recommend Extended Ignore v1.4.1+
  • Fix "Recent threadmark alignment:left" did not correctly apply on very narrow devices
  • Add "Threadmarks - show additional thread links" style property (default disabled).
    Controls showing last post/latest unread/ignore thread links to threadmark page. Works with older versions of Extened Ignore, but really recommend v1.4.1+ for the best styling
  • Add "Threadmarks - show tags" style property (default disabled) to show content tags on the threadmarks page
  • On threadmarks page, add "watch" button for content which supports it (ie threads) and show tags if the content has tags.
  • Reduce queries when displaying additional threadmark index information in the thread list
  • Reduce queries when viewing a tag page
  • Require StandardLib v1.20.0+
  • php 8.4+ compatibility fix
  • Fix threadmark search options on the advanced search page would cause unexpected page reflows
  • Fix "json_decode(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($json) of type string is deprecated"
  • Fix threadmark list page in overlay mode would redirect to a new page instead of loading the tab/plane as expected
  • Fix deleting a threadmark category did not rebuild the thread reaction totals
  • Fix unapprove threadmark referenced the thread title instead of the threadmark
  • Fix \XF\Finder\Thread::pluckFrom would not function as expected
  • Fix category selection filter not working for guests
  • Change when switching tabs on a threadmark index would have the threadmark category repeated
  • Add per threadmark category "Updates last threadmark date" option, defaults to true
  • Add "Threadmark cache size" option, to control the number of most recent threadmarks are embedded into the thread entity.
    Not directly used in the Threadmarks add-on, but useful for additional styling in the threadlist to show recent threadmarks on a thread.
  • Add per-forum default threadmark index icon support. Supports Svg Template add-on as source image, as well as XF asset upload
  • Implement pagination when viewing threadmark list in overlay and on a standalone page. Still shows the "..." loader when embeded
  • Add "Allowed "Threadmarks per page" choices" option
    • Lets users select from a admin populated list for number of items per page. Default is 25 & 50
  • Add "Threadmark pagination features" option
    • Chunked "..." loader (pre v2.20.0 default)
    • Standard pagination
    • AJAX pagination (default)
    • AJAX pagination with filter bar
  • Require StandardLib v1.19.0+
  • Fix threadmark search options on the advanced search page would cause unexpected page reflows
  • Fix "json_decode(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($json) of type string is deprecated"
  • Fix threadmark list page in overlay mode would redirect to a new page instead of loading the tab/plane as expected
  • Fix deleting a threadmark category did not rebuild the thread reaction totals
  • Fix unapprove threadmark referenced the thread title instead of the threadmark
  • Fix \XF\Finder\Thread::pluckFrom would not function as expected
  • Fix category selection filter not working for guests
  • Change when switching tabs on a threadmark index would have the threadmark category repeated
  • Add per threadmark category "Updates last threadmark date" option, defaults to true
  • Add "Threadmark cache size" option, to control the number of most recent threadmarks are embedded into the thread entity.
    Not directly used in the Threadmarks add-on, but useful for additional styling in the threadlist to show recent threadmarks on a thread.
  • Add per-forum default threadmark index icon support.
    • Supports Svg template add-on as source image
    • And XF asset upload
  • Implement pagination when viewing threadmark list in overlay and on a standalone page. Still shows the "..." loader when embedded
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