Developer tools [1.x]

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Provides a new Admin permission to make an "Enable Debug" switch appear on the AdminCP home.
Add-on Builder Chris D
Handy developer tool to automate the process of packaging add-ons.
Content Type Management Chris D
Easily manage and rebuild XenForo content types from the Admin CP
XenDebug (XenForo Debug Tools) Chris D
Addon for developers that provides you with additional debugging functionality
Lets you filter public/admin template list by add-on. Adds an Admin Template Search feature.
Generate a stack trace on slow queries
Replaces editor with CodeMirror for templates, template mods, notices, bb code
A product area to manage all templates/phrases/events/options for any addon.
Forces the use paypal sandbox
Development with version control systems. Template and phrase in files.
Keeping your add-on repo and your xF install tidy
A Zend Email Transport which delivers to /dev/null
[XFA] Options Tabs - Dev Version XFA
Manage your multiple options via tabs
Reads cookies into template params, handles JSON cookies, template param {$pageName}
Speeds phrase creation, Redirects back to Create New Phrase form upon submission.
Speeds phrase creation, Redirects back to Create New Phrase form upon submission.
Generate the file hashes array to copy into your method.
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