Content Type Management

Content Type Management 1.0.3

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  • Fixed an error when generating SQL code when a content type has no fields assigned.
  • Disabled the error label in the content type field overlay.
  • Changed the SQL code generated so it can now be copy and pasted into your install method, e.g.
$db = XenForo_Application::getDb();

    INSERT IGNORE INTO xf_content_type
        (content_type, addon_id, fields)
        ('node', 'XenForo', '')

    INSERT IGNORE INTO xf_content_type_field
        (content_type, field_name, field_value)
        ('node', 'moderator_handler_class', 'XenForo_ModeratorHandler_Node'),
        ('node', 'permission_handler_class', 'XenForo_ContentPermission_Node'),
        ('node', 'sitemap_handler_class', 'XenForo_SitemapHandler_Node')
Dynamically fetches a list of valid content type fields from the xf_content_type_field table.
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Reactions: Naz and Mirovinger
Selects default add-on ID if set in config

Thank you xf_phantom.
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