XenForo 1

This section contains all resources that relate to XenForo 1.x. For XenForo 2.x resources, see the XenForo 2 category.

Top resources

Multi Prefix X
Unmaintained Multi Prefix 1.8.16 $20.00
Threads can only have one prefix? Says who? Let them have multiples!
Anti-Spam by CleanTalk AlexanderBezborodov
Cloud anti spam. No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math and no spam bots
xF 2.0 Theme DohTheme
Default xenForo 2.0 Theme for xenForo 1.5
Joy DohTheme
Unmaintained Joy 1.5.24 $30.00
Joy has cyan and blue that makes it so beautiful on your eyes.
Plain DohTheme
Unmaintained Plain 1.5.24 $25.00
simple style that fully responsive and retina-ready
Snap DohTheme
Unmaintained Snap 1.5.24 $25.00
an Extension of the Thinking process
Snap Dark DohTheme
Unmaintained Snap Dark 1.5.24 $25.00
an Extension of the Thinking process
TeamSpeak 3 Integration Naz
TeamSpeak 3 Integration 1.1.26 $35.00
Connect your TeamSpeak 3 server to your XenForo board.
MineSync, for XF1 nanocode
MineSync integrates your Minecraft server with your XenForo forum, syncs ranks and links players!
Elasticsearch 6 Installation on CentOS 7 Nirjonadda
This tutorial will help you to setup Elasticsearch 6 on Red Hat/CentOS 7 64 bits based distribution.
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