Moderator tools [1.x]

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Create Thread On Warning w/ Conversation Message Brent W
Creates a new thread when you issue a warning to a user. Includes conversation message in thread.
Create Thread On Ban Brent W
Creates a new thread when a user is banned in a forum you specify.
Allows Stickies or Staff threads to be visible in a forum without "View threads by others"
[XFA] Recycle Bin XFA
[XFA] Recycle Bin 1.3.0 €2.80
Move your threads in 1 click to the recycle bin forum
Mark threads as solved/unsolved, with own permissions; and solved/abandoned banners
Add users to different groups depending on how they are banned.
sonnb - Report Alert sonnb
Send Alerts and Emails to Moderators for various Report actions
Promote and Demote User truonglv
Allow Moderator Or Admin Quickly Promote Or Demote User
Login as anyone on your forum, for any reason...
Ensures the "Shared IP" mod tool respects the Spam Check Ips Days Limit
Send reported content into moderation queue if it has reached the report threshold.
Adds Forum name to moderator queue
Adds some time-saving links from the member card overlay to the moderation queue
Sorts warnings alphabetically instead of by the date they were issued.
Show Moderation AndyB
Shows and hides moderation checkboxes.
Delete and move threads to a specific trash can node with two clicks.
All IP's and related members... Informative!
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