Add-ons [2.x]

Top resources

  • s9e Media Sites
    s9e Media Sites
    Improves the performance and usability of media sites, and adds many popular new sites.
    • JoshyPHP
    • Updated:
  • Add-on Update Notifier
    Add-on Update Notifier
    🚨 Receive auto alerts when your 🛠️ installed add-ons have some 🆕 versions/updates available
    • mazzly
    • Updated:
  • Chat 2 by Siropu
    Chat 2 by Siropu
    Feature-rich, mobile-friendly chat application with Rooms, Private Conversations and more.
    • Siropu
    • Updated:
  • AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2
    AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2
    📈 Boost your mobile traffic with ⚡ Accelerated Mobile Pages and 🔋 Awesome Core Web Vitals
    • mazzly
    • Updated:
  • [Andrew] Moderator Panel
    [Andrew] Moderator Panel
    A suite of enhanced options and visibility all built into a single moderator panel
    • AndrewSimm
    • Updated:

Trending resources

ITD 5M Multipurpose Button XFA
A Multicolor Multilanguage Multivalued Multilocation Multipurpose Button for your Board.
[ITD] Additional Copyright Bar II XFA
Additional Copyright Bar for your Board
[XTR] Collapsible Sections XDinc
Collapsible nodes and user extras.
[ITD] Custom Icon for Trophies II XFA
Include icons to your trophies instead of points
[XenGenTr] Welcome Panel eTiKeT™
Welcome panel for the users.
[XenGenTr] Warning system eTiKeT™
Post alerts and announcements to the forum specific, subject and subject list.
[XTR] Disable Get Likes Back XDinc
Disable get likes back for selected nodes and user groups.
Post Areas: Pro Performance Thomas.B
Improves performance for the „Post Areas“ add-on
Confirm Email Field 2.x AddonsLab
The add-on adds a new field in XenForo registration page for users to confirm their email.
Grid layout for XFRM by Hemant Ozzy47
Grid layout for resource manager with font awesome
New posts manager AndyB
New posts manager 1.0 $35.00
Manages which forums are included in New posts results.
[XenConcept] XR Product Manager - Feature XenConcept
This add-on allows you to feature your products.
[ITD] Auto Refresh Who's Online (Current visitors) II XFA
Auto refresh who's online (current visitors) page
[ITD] Page Scroll Progress Bar II XFA
A sleek progress bar to either the top or bottom of the page.
[ITD] Mediasite BB Code XFA
Add in BB Code Media Sites
[ITD] Embedded Scribd Documents Mediasite BB Code XFA
You can Embed all scribd documentsin to your board via Mediasite BB Code
[SC] Sidebar Donation SyTry
Add a Donation block in the sidebar
sonnb - Stop Spam Here - Bot detector API sonnb
Provides Botscout, FSpamlist and StopForumSpam API for the Stop Spam Here add-ons.
[XenConcept] Conversation Category XenConcept
Arranging your conversation in your own way and archiving all the important one just by few clicks.
Adds extra info to the Moderated Users approval queue
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