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  • wow you are expert here, why I need to confirm from staff as I can trust your information. I can see you have 80 Resources as well. I thought you are just a normal user like me or little bit upgraded one :)
    Thanks for helping me out on my thread and giving me the info
    • Like
    Reactions: SyTry
    Glad to be able to help aha, you can also check this :
    Hello, I'm big fan of your work. So, sorry coming for your profile for this, but, your add-ons: [SC] Account Wrapper - Font Awesome 1.0.0, [SC] Member View - Font Awesome 1.0.0; [SC] Visitor Menu - Font Awesome 1.0.0 works on 2.1? I'm going to update my Forum today and in my vision, this add-ons are essential for any XF Forum.
    Thanks :)

    Thank you for your feedback. My add-on "Font Awesome" is only working for XF2.0 so I plan to make a new add-on for XF2.1. For now you can use [AH] Font Awesome by @Matt C.

    I'll try to take care of it before the weekend. :)
    Many thanks for your reply. I will wait for your versions.
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