Post Areas: Pro Performance

Unmaintained Post Areas: Pro Performance 1.0.1

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Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
Additional requirements
Post Areas 2.0.0
Visible branding
Note: Since Post Areas 2.1.0 this add-on is redundant!

If you use Post Areas and a visitor clicks on the „Post Areas“ tab in a member's profile, the post and thread counts are calculated in real-time. Depending on your server resources and the total number of posts/threads, this could consume a lot of server resources. To prevent such issues or to generally decrease your server's average load you can use this add-on.

When the „Pro Performance“ add-on is enabled, the post and thread counts are fetched from a cache which requires much less server resources than the default real-time calculation.

The cache

The cache is a database table that contains the post/thread counts of all users. It is updated once a day by default (on 2:30 am in the 1.0.0 release)

After the installation

Note that right after the installation the cache will be empty. So there won't be shown any post and thread counts for any member. You can update the cache manually by running the corresponding cron entry (Tools / Cron entries). However, keep in mind that this will calculate the post/thread counts of all members! So you may want to do this when there is not much traffic on your forum..

Note: This add-on requires Post Areas 2.0.0
First release
Last update


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