Add-ons [1.x]

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Usergroup Ranks - vBulletin/IPB Style. Unlimited Ranks, Flexible, Open source!
Always wished you could sticky a single thread across all of your forums?
Force Style On Thread Prefix Chris D
Extra thread prefix option to override the style on a thread based on the thread prefix
Xen-TR Who Has Visited DrYontem
See "Who Has Visited" your forum today or in last X hours
Digital Point [thread] & [post] BBCode digitalpoint
Allows you to link to a specific thread/post.
Enable 'Create Template Modification' button for everyone - even if not in debug mode
Quick and easy way to find all your posts in a thread.
Website Width Toggle (CC by) cclaerhout
Addon to modify on the fly the width of your website - ie: from a fluid width to a fixed width
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