Force Style On Thread Prefix

Force Style On Thread Prefix 1.0.2

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Special Thanks

Thank you to Luxus for funding the add-on development and allowing it to be released for free for the rest of the community to benefit :)

Add-on Details

This add-on will give you an additional option while adding or editing your Thread Prefixes:


For each Thread Prefix you can now specify a style. This style will override the user's chosen style while they are viewing a thread which has that Thread Prefix assigned.

Here's an example where the "Bug Report" prefix forces the user to use the Flexile Red theme:


In this example, once the Thread Prefix is changed from "Bug Report" to "Resolved" the user is forced to view the thread with the Flexile Green style:


The override style set on the Thread Prefix will ignore any override style set on the Node.


This add-on can be installed using the Add-On Installer.

  • Extract the contents of the Zip file.
  • Upload the contents of the upload folder to the root of your XenForo installation.
  • Install in the Admin CP using the provided XML file.
Chris D
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

More resources from Chris D

Latest updates

  1. Bug fix

    Fixes the bug described here...
  2. Fixes "undefined property" exception

    An "undefined property" exception could occur on threads moved with a redirect in place. This...

Latest reviews

AWESOME :) <3 <3 <3
This addon is handy if you maintain a CMS with multiple categories that have their own style and want all forum discussions related to news articles gathered in one place rather than create a forum for each category. Without this addon, you could still gather all article discussions in one forum with prefixes, but you would lose the styles of each category.

This addon works flawlessly and adds just one query to thread pages. No bugs have been discovered yet.
Chris D
Chris D
Thanks for the review Luxus, and thanks again for working with me on this. It was a pleasure.
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