Developer resources [1.x]

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Speeds phrase creation, Redirects back to Create New Phrase form upon submission.
Speeds phrase creation, Redirects back to Create New Phrase form upon submission.
A product area to manage all templates/phrases/events/options for any addon.
[XFA] Options Tabs - Dev Version XFA
Manage your multiple options via tabs
Generate a stack trace on slow queries
Replaces editor with CodeMirror for templates, template mods, notices, bb code
Reads cookies into template params, handles JSON cookies, template param {$pageName}
Generate the file hashes array to copy into your method.
A Zend Email Transport which delivers to /dev/null
A 0 query method to avoid upgrade errors when the addon version does not match the installed version
Development with version control systems. Template and phrase in files.
Content Type Management Chris D
Easily manage and rebuild XenForo content types from the Admin CP
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