Add-ons [1.x]

Top resources

[RT] User Rank Images Daniel 'RTRD'
User ranks taken to another level with images!
Banlist truonglv
List all users who have been banned
Style Permissions truonglv
Allows you to choose which usergroups/individual usergroups can view/access a style
[h] ModeratorView Hoffi
Show moderators in thread, forum and nodelist
Unmaintained Piwik 1.0.1-ENG-1.0
Small addon, allowing integrate a template from Piwik tracking code.
SoundCloud AndyB
Embeds SoundCloud player into a message.
Digital Point Ad Positioning digitalpoint
Allows you to position ads in/around the post currently being viewed.
Connect and Update CDN "Font Awesome" in "UI.X" interface.
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