XenForo tips & guides [1.x]

Top resources

The RGB codes of XF's Default Style color palette
A guide to help you implement images rather than text for user titles.
Kongregate Games Section DRE
How to create a basic arcade with Xenforo pages
A list od definitions of names and jargon used on XF for new maybe not so new admins
A list od definitions of names and jargon used on XF for new maybe not so new admins
Custom Log in /Sign up Button Shelley
Display a custom Sign up/ Log In button
Diagonal shadow under sidebar blocks Shelley
This guide allows for a diagonal shadow under sidebar blocks.
Different Toggle Icons per node Shelley
this hinges on that you are using Cedrics Toggle add-on.
Registered memberlist Shelley
This will display avatars on the registered members list to the right.
Profile page stats in line Paul B
Save some vertical space and fill up the empty space to the right
Sidebar user name styling Paul B
Enable user group user name styling in the sidebar
Multi-coloured Node Li Shelley
Use this as a reference guide, this enhancement will allow for multi-coloured node li
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