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  • Back after a long gap (started PhD). My avatar kitty all grown up -magnificent giant puss! Redoing my forums -hello all my friends.
    Almost died Oct 4 appendix explode + ghastlies ... big op .. Can walk... wobble drunk! Feel BETTER than in YEARS, just weak.
    Hello Morgain. Hope everything is going well with you. I've not seen you post in sometime. Good to see you up and around.
    Just decided to jump onto your profile and give you a quick, hello. Hope all is going well.
    Atually just been ill again =lovely to hear from you. xx
    Adam Howard
    Adam Howard
    oh noes. We need to get you feeling better some how.
    Am better, bit weak. Thank you -just enjoying that unmistakable feeling of being human again.
    Still health setbacks but webhost Nimbus a) not dumping uproar and b) not crashing my sites. Looking at development and writing now. Whee!
    hi Morgain ,i need your problem is user not upgrade after payment .im using default paypal
    Deepa very sorry I have no experience here so I cannot help. Post a help request thread about it.
    Morgain, how can i talk to you.I need help customizing. The colors and styling is very important to me
    Total delight - XF win. Big shift for me - new hosting Pulling my strength back after a health collapse. Spring is Sprung!
    Stronger after bad health collapse. HM site at last upgraded to 1.1 !!!! I was scared but it was not too bad. Lost my membercard design WAIL
    HURRAY! Library add-n long awaited Articles with bbcode has arrived! Plus Circle groups is finishing. Big happy bunny.
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