XenForo tips & guides [1.x]

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How to upgrade to XenForo 1.3 Paul B
Important information and actions to be taken
This is based on Shelley's resource but using the TM and custom templates
This is a rough guide that will allow you to style your titleBar in the forum_view are
Enhance your resource manager sidebar discussion button.
Trigger deferred.php Via Shell Crontab digitalpoint
Allow an automated shell process to run deferred.php script
Serve Google fonts locally TPerry
Allows you to serve the Google fonts from your own server
[1.1] RM - Featured RM Tag after/Before title. Shelley
This enhancement will display the "featured" orange tag inside the featured container.
Add all css edits to EXTRA.css Paul B
Make upgrading painless by utilising this purpose-built template.
How to upgrade to XenForo 1.2 Paul B
Important information and actions to be taken
Ultimate Hotlinking Protection DRE
Use this generator to create a .htaccess file for hotlink protection of your images and pictures.
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