Add-ons [1.x]

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Minecraft Name Check JamieSinn
Check if the username given during registration is a valid Minecraft username
Members Online AndyB
Shows members who have been online for the past number of hours.
[h] Roll Dice Hoffi
Roll Dice in your Posts and see the results with win/loss
Changes the Xenporta 2 Recent Thread Widget to handle Rich Usernames and UNREAD/READ Color
Tab Alerts AndyB
Displays an alert in your browser tab.
Batch Update Tags Tan Tran
Add the ability to batch tag threads. XenForo 1.5+ Only
Adds conversation search to the search system, with options to search by recipient
Login as anyone on your forum, for any reason...
[h] Collapse Admin Lists including Nodes Hoffi
Some large Lists can now collapsed inside the ACP, including the Node List
Why show banned users all those nice graphics?
[cXF] News Feed Permission BassMan
Hide News Feeds (Recent Activity) for certain user groups.
[WMTech] Sticky User Banning wmtech
Cross Browser Multiple Account Detection and Defense Against Banned Users
XenTag Importer Tan Tran
Just another importer for TinhTe XenTag. XenForo 1.5 Only
Can reply to own thread, can reply to others' thread.
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