XenForo tips & guides [1.x]

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Adjust the Widget Framework "Staff Online" widget to display hard-coded titles.
A little turorial on how to reset node permissions for all usergroups
Conditional Statements Paul B
Guide and tutorial for conditional statements using XenForo syntax
Using Custom User Fields to customise the layout Paul B
Allow your members to choose which content they want to see
Guide to convert from MyISAM to InnoDB TPerry
Use to convert from MyISAM to InnoDB when host did not have InnoDB configured at initial install
Spammers often use Gmail accounts, here's a quick tutorial for finding and removing
How to add CSS selectors based on page title Enguerran A
Little explanation on how to use titles to add some CSS on your pages and have full control on them
Using WinSCP to schedule backup transfers S
How to get your backups safely and securely transferred from your site to your Windows machine.
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