
Top resources

  • s9e Media Sites
    s9e Media Sites
    Improves the performance and usability of media sites, and adds many popular new sites.
    • JoshyPHP
    • Updated:
  • Add-on Update Notifier
    Add-on Update Notifier
    🚨 Receive auto alerts when your 🛠️ installed add-ons have some 🆕 versions/updates available
    • mazzly
    • Updated:
  • UI.X 2
    UI.X 2
    The Ultimate Theme Framework
    • ThemeHouse
    • Updated:
  • Chat 2 by Siropu
    Chat 2 by Siropu
    Feature-rich, mobile-friendly chat application with Rooms, Private Conversations and more.
    • Siropu
    • Updated:
  • Implementing permissions across multiple user groups
    Implementing permissions across multiple user groups
    How to make best use of the cumulative permission behaviour
    • Paul B
    • Updated:

Trending resources

Latest reviews

  • [cXF] Sticky Postbit
    5.00 star(s)
    Really great, especially for photo-intensive forums where a lot of scrolling tends to be...
    • tonmo
  • ElasticSearch Essentials
    5.00 star(s)
    This is an excellent addon. Installed a while ago, you don't appreciate it until it's gone! We...
    • JamesBrown
  • s9e Media Sites
    5.00 star(s)
    Greatly improved my forum by having videos from other sites show up in the forum directly. This...
    • jardob
  • Pick'em & Survivor - Fantasy Sports Prediction games
    5.00 star(s)
    Fantastic app with a great owner. Willing to go above and beyond to support it. Thank you Bob...
    • rtr2006
  • [OzzModz] Member Follow Activity Notifications
    5.00 star(s)
    Functions as expected and is an excellent addition for any forum community owner, owner or...
    • Sal Collaziano

Resource statistics

Disk usage
1.7 GB
Autoinstaller add-ons (and languages in the long term)
Easily add additional cuistomizable searches to your forums
Create a tiime plot to show daily statistics
A way for XenForo to handle login authentication for local MediaWiki installations,
Displays unread messages from a staff room/mod room in your moderation bar.
XenMoods is an add-on for XenForo that allows users to set their current mood.
CTA Extra Colours Paul B
Expands the color palette with 20 new properties.
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