XenForo 1

This section contains all resources that relate to XenForo 1.x. For XenForo 2.x resources, see the XenForo 2 category.

Top resources

How to install XenForo locally to your PC using XAMPP Paul B
A local installation is invaluable when testing add-ons, modifications and changes.
Add new entries to the Help page Paul B
Help, I need somebody. Help, not just anybody. Help, you know I need someone, he-e-elp.
Display what forum members are online in a WordPress widget
Add a random quote block to the sidebar Paul B
Q: What do you get if you cross random, quote, block and sidebar? A: This.
Creating a add-on to insert tabs in profile page (using hooks) Fuhrmann
This tutorial will teach you how to insert new tabs in the profile page using the templates hooks.
CSS to move the xenForo sidebar from right to left ( screenshot included )
Changes the default staff online block to use just avatars with tooltip username and usertitle.
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