Light styles [1.x]

Top resources

Reneue ThemeHouse
Unmaintained Reneue
Revitalize your community
Intrinsic ThemeHouse
Focus Your Creativity
Snapshot // xenfocus Ehren
Snapshot features a very unique 'frosted image' effect and a large fixed background image.
Free style from
8thos Blue DRE
A white and blue theme with TMS versions included.
Imitation - Mixpod Fixed and Fluid DRE
A light theme using colors from
Joy DohTheme
Unmaintained Joy 1.5.24 $30.00
Joy has cyan and blue that makes it so beautiful on your eyes.
Nerva Osman
Nerva $25.00
Clean, simple and specific style
Imitation - Bold Grey Fluid and Fixed DRE
A dark grey, brown and white color scheme.
Peachy Keen ThemeHouse
Home grown and delicious
White Dream StRonK
Light color %100 free theme
Xenow runice
Unmaintained Xenow
Xenow - free style for XenForo
Plain DohTheme
Unmaintained Plain 1.5.24 $25.00
simple style that fully responsive and retina-ready
Serenity DohTheme
Unmaintained Serenity 1.5.24 $25.00
psychological calm and stillness
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