Developer resources [1.x]

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Replaces editor with CodeMirror for templates, template mods, notices, bb code
How to add a new sidebar in the forum list Fuhrmann
I will teach you how to add a new sidebar with a custom content in the forum list page.
Allows you to omit a thread from recent activity. Useful for spammy threads.
Useful if you need to grant additional awards or status when a user pays for an upgrade.
Speeds phrase creation, Redirects back to Create New Phrase form upon submission.
How to create a Cron Entry to move threads (with options!) Fuhrmann
I will teach you how to create a new cron to move threads from a forum to another.
[XFA] Options Tabs - Dev Version XFA
Manage your multiple options via tabs
A product area to manage all templates/phrases/events/options for any addon.
A Zend Email Transport which delivers to /dev/null
Generate the file hashes array to copy into your method.
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