Translations [2.x]

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XFtoWP - XenForo to Wordpress integration - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the XFtoWP - XenForo to Wordpress integration add-on from Kolakube.
German translation: [OzzModz] Advanced Forms Hoib3rgA
deutsche Übersetzung (Du/Sie neutral, keine direkte Anrede) für das AddOn: [OzzModz] Advanced Forms
Addon Update Notifier - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the Addon Update Notifier add-on from mazzly
[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare® - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
French translation of the [DigitalPoint] Cloudflare® add-on
AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the AMPXF - AMP for Xenforo 2 add-on from mazzly
AMS : Article Management System - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the AMS : Article Management System from Bob
Font Awesome Manager - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the Font Awesome Manager add-on from Kirby
German translation: Birthday thread by Andy Hoib3rgA
deutsche Übersetzung (Du/Sie neutral, keine direkte Anrede) für das AddOn: Birthday Thread by Andy
Footer Pro - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the Footer Pro add-on from Nicolas FR
Pickem - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the Pickem add-on from Bob.
XenForo Ressource Manager - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
Complete translation of xenForo Ressource Manager 2.2.x to French
Warning Improvements by Xon - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
French translation of the Warning Improvements add-on from Xon
[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
French translation of the [DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics add-on
Social Groups for XenForo - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the Social Groups for XenForo add-on from Ozzy47
[OzzModz] SEO & Index Tools - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
A french translation of the SEO & Index Tools add-on from Ozzy47
[TH] Donate - FRENCH translation Ozzy47
[TH] Donate - FRENCH translation 1.1.7 Patch Level 3
A french translation of the [TH] Donate add-on from ThemeHouse
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