Graphics [1.x]

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Generic GreyScaled Smilies Shelley
An old smiley pack i'm moving from the xf archives into the RM. Greyscaled Smiley pack
Generic Brown Smilies Shelley
An old smiley pack i'm moving from xf archives into the RM. Brown smilies.
Generic Blue Smilies Shelley
An old smiley pack i'm moving from xf archives into the RM
ORB Node Icon (PSD) Shelley
This resource comes with the PSD only so your able to make your own adjustments/color changes
Gamer 3 Membercard Shelley
Membercard design that may appeal to gaming sites or dark styles.
Dark Silhouette avatars made for styles that have a darker look to it
color member cards in various colors, ranging from blue, red, and more!
A dark variation of the simple no avatar set.
Gamer 3 Notification Shelley
Gamer 3 notification card that may appeal to gaming sites.
Tablet Notification Shelley
Tablet notification design which I'm sure I will refined and update this was a rush design job.
Extra Avatars DRE
Extra Avatars for Avatar Gallery Addon
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