Development tutorials [1.x]

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How to use tabs to separate your add-on options Fuhrmann
I'll teach you how to separate your add-ons options using tabs.
TinyMCE and MarkItUp Overlay popups (OUTDATED) cclaerhout
Tutorial for developers based on the TinyFix addon & the MarkItUp integrator
Creating a add-on to insert tabs in profile page (using hooks) Fuhrmann
This tutorial will teach you how to insert new tabs in the profile page using the templates hooks.
Jaxel's Method for Creating A Route Controller Jaxel
The "proper" way to construct complicated route controllers...
A 0 query method to avoid upgrade errors when the addon version does not match the installed version
Explains how to check the version of XenForo during an add-on install, and throw an error.
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