No permission to download
i upload the 1.3 version
and make the 1.2.4 version as child of 1.3 and still its says there is some templates need updated =( !!

or i need to make a new child of 1.3 and do the editing on that child !!!

sorry for bothering u =(
Have any one a solution for this?

The dropdownarrow really shouldnt be there. If I select an other tab it works fine.
Could he export the current theme to XML, reset everything and upgrade the UI.X, create a Child and import that XML to the child?

You can, but you will still have outdated style properties. It is best to start over, but this is the second best option. Its all preference.

BTW !! the color option after i choose the color and refresh the page its back =( to the default color

with AD Style even when i click the save it doesn't do any thing !! and doesn't save what i choose =(

I have this patched in the next release which will either be in a few hours or tomorrow.

i upload the 1.3 version
and make the 1.2.4 version as child of 1.3 and still its says there is some templates need updated =( !!

or i need to make a new child of 1.3 and do the editing on that child !!!

sorry for bothering u =(

Right, so it seems you modified templates, this is normal. You'll need to upgrade them, it is a process everyone has to do. UI.X minimizes the number of templates, but if you edit templates at the end of the day you'll have to eventually upgrade it if it goes out of date.

Is there a way to show the Extended Footer only on the home page?

I think the easiest way is to add a conditional around the extended footer include. But you can also do it in CSS. What is your homepage? XenPorta? Forumhome?
Have any one a solution for this?

The dropdownarrow really shouldnt be there. If I select an other tab it works fine.
That shouldn't be happening, so feel free to create a ticket at audentio.com and include a live demo if you can.
Audentio updated UI.X with a new update entry:

Packaging error fixed and a few improvements

Hey all,

So sorry for the next day update, but it was necessary:
  • Fixed the issue where styler files were not being included
  • Fixed the issue where the new 1.3 images were not being included (see below for a list of those files)
  • AD Styler now always shows in view port even on resize
  • AD Styler now prefixes all local storage data with the name of the folder and the style ID - this is useful if you have multiple installations of the same skin but want the AD Stylers to have...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Im back!
At first thank you for your help. But I have the next "problem". Ive enabled the welcome box. Now I want that if someone click on the register button (
) the login_bar appears. Actually the same as on the normal sign in button.
Can I make the logo a bit bigger? The actual file is bigger but the theme skins it down. I won't make it bigger than the actual area, just that's really small for me. I want to have it bigger (size of the logo, can adjust size). Any way to bypass these restrictions?
Any outdated templates? Running the latest on 2 sites, and no issues on mobile
no i use the latest update !!
i will reuplad the files again >_<
also i have this msg " there security issue back to previous page " << i use translated version so i dono what is actually in the original lang !!
Hey Mike,

Is it okay for us to change the copyright notice to say "Framework by" as opposed to "Design by"? I'm planning on heavily customizing the UI.X theme and I wanted to at least call out my work for the design elements.
Hey Mike,

Is it okay for us to change the copyright notice to say "Framework by" as opposed to "Design by"? I'm planning on heavily customizing the UI.X theme and I wanted to at least call out my work for the design elements.

You are using his design as a base though...

Can you not just add , "modified/customized by .........." after the copyright?
A bit worried no one found bugs! :D Is everything running smoothly? Everyone liking some of the updates? I didn't include everything in the changelog but some of the things like the visitor tab active state as showing white text on white background was fixed, all sorts of stuff. Everything going OK?

no i use the latest update !!
i will reuplad the files again >_<
also i have this msg " there security issue back to previous page " << i use translated version so i dono what is actually in the original lang !!
That isn't a theme related issue. Not entirely sure what causes that, I've seen sites where right when you login it gives you a security issue but if you continue on you never see the error again. Something Id ask XenForo about :).
Hey Mike,

Is it okay for us to change the copyright notice to say "Framework by" as opposed to "Design by"? I'm planning on heavily customizing the UI.X theme and I wanted to at least call out my work for the design elements.
Honestly I'm not too worried about it. Our copyright terms say the link just has to stay visible and in a non-negative fashion. We get 90% of our business from those links, hence we make it expensive to remove (sorry! :P), but it is $50 one-time forever use for that one product license.
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