custom themes

  1. DominicE - Custom XenForo Styles

    Hello Everyone, I've been in the forum skin community since 2004, and some may know me from my previous company called That1Design between 2009-2014. Last month, I launched my newest company called, dedicated to help create or revive your digital community by increasing...
  2. Mark87

    Style Custom style etc

    Looking for someone to do some custom theme work and to make sure said theme would work with my add on's etc. Also possibly a new logo. Please pm me for more details. Thanks
  3. Michael Kinney

    XF 1.2 Custom Xenforo coding question

    I apologize for the n00b questions. I am no IT guru, though I know just enough to be a danger to myself ... and before I posted this, I looked all around the forums and the search utilities looking for this specific topic, and while finding iterations, I did not find what I was looking for. I...
  4. D

    Hi there, Edited this post after some 10 years. I could write something from ChatGPT but instead Ill just say that our agency has been here to help communities of all kinds get off the ground or make the impact they want to. This is what we've done for 16 years now. You can learn more about us...
  5. D


    Audentio submitted a new resource: UI.X - From Audentio Design Read more about this resource...
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