No permission to download
Did you run the update script for the Add-on? And what version of the add-on does it say you are running? You should be at 1.0.4.
1.0.4 just upgraded last night. Disabled it first uploaded the files second, then upgraded the addon then enabled. Same as I always do. Can you try or someone try posting in a sticky thread? Normal threads work fine.
As you can see in the screenshot, those outdated templates are in UI.X (not the child style). As I have said, I've never edited UI.X as per the guidance.

We'll look into this.

1.0.4 just upgraded last night. Disabled it first uploaded the files second, then upgraded the addon then enabled. Same as I always do. Can you try or someone try posting in a sticky thread? Normal threads work fine.

It works fine for me on our test boards. But it looks like for some reason the fields weren't created properly. Try running these queries:

ALTER TABLE `xf_forum` ADD `uix_last_sticky_action` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` CHANGE `uix_collapse_stuck_threads` `uix_collapse_stuck_threads` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
We'll look into this.

It works fine for me on our test boards. But it looks like for some reason the fields weren't created properly. Try running these queries:

ALTER TABLE `xf_forum` ADD `uix_last_sticky_action` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` CHANGE `uix_collapse_stuck_threads` `uix_collapse_stuck_threads` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
Just ran them and nope the same thing. Should I try to re-upload the add-on or something?
Alright, need some help moving to 1.4.9

I updated xenforo and UI.X last night. This is my first time updating UI.X

My existing child theme under the old UI.X parent is still there and working.
This child is UI.X color changes, UI.X settings, and a few sidebar and other items commented out to remove them. That's it.

I have a NEW UI.X that was created on update (with AD next to it) that I suppose is the updated parent?
So I exported my child theme from the old UI.X and imported it as a child under the new UI.X. When I do this, I am getting some odd behavior. Most notably, the "alternative" navigation menu requiring one tap for drop down and two taps for the nav link is on be default. I have gone into the UI.X settings and disabled this. It doesn't apply. On this new theme I cannot turn OFF the alternative navigation.

Did I do something wrong? How do I troubleshoot?

Thank you.
I updated xenforo and UI.X last night. This is my first time updating UI.X

My existing child theme under the old UI.X parent is still there and working.
If you are updating UI.X manually (rather than using the new automatic method that's now available, then you should import the style, overwriting UI.X (the parent):

Thank you. I used the automatic mode so I don't know what behavior is normal or abnormal.
Automatic mode should just update the UI.X parent.

Can you post a screenshot to show your styles?

Also, what version of the UI.X add-on are you running (hopefully the latest, 1.0.4)?
Automatic mode should just update the UI.X parent.

Can you post a screenshot to show your styles?

Also, what version of the UI.X add-on are you running (hopefully the latest, 1.0.4)?

Well damn. So obviously something is wrong. I
I just reuploaded the files, forced reinstall, and no change. :(

Styles here:

2015 is the style that is/was working fine. I wanted to update. I updated. Now I have two UI.X
2015b is me exporting 2015 and importing it as a child style. 2015b does not seem to respond right, namely doesn't listen to the navigation settings that I turn on and off.

Where to go from here?

Edit - yes I'm 1.04 and I'm on 1.4.9
Last edited:
Well damn. So obviously something is wrong. I
I just reuploaded the files, forced reinstall, and no change. :(

Styles here:
View attachment 112203

2015 is the style that is/was working fine. I wanted to update. I updated. Now I have two UI.X
2015b is me exporting 2015 and importing it as a child style. 2015b does not seem to respond right, namely doesn't listen to the navigation settings that I turn on and off.

Where to go from here?

Edit - yes I'm 1.04 and I'm on 1.4.9
Yes feel free to create a ticket, which I think you did already. I dont think the extra style did anything bad, Im not sure how it got there since no one else reported this, but like I said nothing to worry.

Also, we are aware of the sidebar media bug (XFMG changed a class on us >.<). Otherwise no bugs reported so far.
Also, we are aware of the sidebar media bug (XFMG changed a class on us >.<). Otherwise no bugs reported so far.
Is that the issue that I reported in this post?

UI.X [Paid]

Incidentally I reverted those templates on my test site (I've left them marked as outdated on my live site) and it seems to have fixed the issue.
Is that the issue that I reported in this post?

UI.X [Paid]

Incidentally I reverted those templates on my test site (I've left them marked as outdated on my live site) and it seems to have fixed the issue.
AH yes it is! Reverting will lose the custom icons we set in the headings, but no big deal. Ill have a silent patch applied for future downloaders.
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