No permission to download
Also, i have been spammed by this error for the past week:
XenForo_Exception: Please enter at least one valid recipient. - library/XenForo/DataWriter.php:1345
Generated By: Unknown Account, 44 minutes ago

Could you include the full stack trace? I don't think this has anything to do with UI.X, it looks like someone trying to create a conversation without adding anyone to it, possibly another add-on.

Might be I found a bug.

If you are not logged in and e.g. someone likes one of your posts, the next time you open the forum the notice will show "0" instead of "1". I tried with default style of UI.X, same error. I tried with XF default style, NO error, shows "1".

BTW, if you are logged in it shows "1" correctly. Only if the forum is not opened it displays "0".
And now I noticed (any many users already reported it to me) that sometimes notices only flash off for a second and are marked as read.
Thanks for pointing these out. It's super helpful, as there aren't enough hours in the day for QA!
1. This is a confirmed bug that will be fixed soon. Unfortunately, there isn't a good temporary fix without significant template edits. You can very well hide the .uix_breadCrumb_toggleList, but that will also hide any other list items in the toggle list. Also you'll want to use the @uix_sidebarMaxResponsiveWidth style property as your media query breakpoint.
2. This is also a confirmed bug that has to deal with poorly defined tab and tab panels in the uix_offCanvasSidebarVisitorTabs template. This fix requires two edits.
3. It's important to note that z-indexing changes depending on the panel animation type. For which animation type are you speaking: reveal, push, or cover?

1. Thanx for the tip with the @uix_sidebarMaxResponsiveWidth, it made no difference though. I did not find anything else with the class ".uix_breadCrumb_toggleList" that has been influenced by my fix. But no matter, at least you confirm that it is a bug and wasn't intentional, so I am just waiting for the next release.

2. I made the edits and it works as it should now. Very good, thanx.

3. Reveal and Push. And I can also say it casts the shadow only onto the right panel, although I took the main navigation bar and made a box-shadow that is vertical at exact 90 degrees. I hope that helps.
Is there any way to revert back to the old font?

Also, the theme is all squeezed up on mobile devices now.
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Sorry if I've missed this, but is it possible to offset the post scroll to when viewing an unread post?


The floating nav is covering almost all of the post.
Don't know if already reported but on mobile, the titles of conversations aren't displayed anymore:


We updated category strips, I recommend reverting Forum / Node List > Any of the category strip style properties.

I'm sorry, but how would I do this? There's no button to revert stuff:
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That's why I do most of mine via EXTRA.css
But I think if they've been modified, there should be a reset button at the top

Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 8.49.20 AM.webp

This one on one forum I have modified

And this one on another forum thatI have not (both the UI.X style)

Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 8.51.11 AM.webp

That's the only place I can find.
Is there any way to set the default setting for new users for the UI.X options? (like uix_sticky_navigation, uix_sticky_sidebar, ...)

If NOT I would really need it!
Is there a timeframe when Abyss and Xenith will be updated? Seems like ive been waiting forever since i purchased that (along with 1 hour customisation) but it is not compatible with the latest version of xenforo with a few templates out of date.
I would really like this add-on to leave the "new features" route and go to a "more stable" route for the rest of the lifetime of the XF1 version.

The frequent "huge" updates breaking many custom changes are not easy to handle.
This is my biggest peeve no two versions are even close to the same. Particularly in the ACP where things are jumbled around in every single update. If you ever have to manually update your skin and use a previous version as a template that's almost impossible and out of the question.
@Mike Creuzer: Is there a chance to have third-party navTabs functionality (is-active, selected) integrated in the OffCanvas Nav Panels in the future? I am using Sirupo's custom navigation menu add-on and it integrates well into the UI.X Framework including being visible in the Off-Canvas menu navigation but the "selected is-active" classes are not addressed to the extra tab. I hope the functionality could be doable like the third party add-on integration into the User Bar as you did before. (y)
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