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Damn. Nevermind then. If it was an older gen, it woulda been the fact that I purposefully remove the sticky nav at 480px or less. Well, Im stumped again. Ill keep looking.
I've tested the site on a couple of iPhone emulators as well, and sticky nav doesn't work on them either. Is there an option I can try changing to change the 480px value to see if it enables it?
Hello @Audentio , I'm having some visual problems on implementing lastest tweets and facebook users widget on the sidebar with widget framework.. Do you have any tip or example ?
I think there is something wrong with the CSS for a text Logo.
The text is not bold, and the size is hard coded.

Tested with a new installation of xenforo and UI.X.

Anyone an idea how I can fix this? I have added a gradient to the navbar, but the arrows stay the wrong color?

Screenshot 2014-04-22 22.16.02.webp

I want the arrows have the same gradient, and show only the lines (border color blue or so). Can't find the proper place to edit it.
I've tested the site on a couple of iPhone emulators as well, and sticky nav doesn't work on them either. Is there an option I can try changing to change the 480px value to see if it enables it?

I put the value back to 400 (what it was before), Ill just release I guess because I cannot find any reason why it wouldn't be working. Appreciate you testing this.

Hello @Audentio , I'm having some visual problems on implementing lastest tweets and facebook users widget on the sidebar with widget framework.. Do you have any tip or example ?

No, do not. As far I know there are no issues with widgets. There was an icon issue which has been fixed.

I think there is something wrong with the CSS for a text Logo.
The text is not bold, and the size is hard coded.

Tested with a new installation of xenforo and UI.X.

View attachment 72261

You'll need to either add !important after each of the CSS or style property values OR disable AD Styler OR remove font editing in the .si files.

Anyone an idea how I can fix this? I have added a gradient to the navbar, but the arrows stay the wrong color?

View attachment 72276

I want the arrows have the same gradient, and show only the lines (border color blue or so). Can't find the proper place to edit it.

This cannot be done without making an image. You cannot (easily) make a gradient triangle in pure CSS.
This cannot be done without making an image. You cannot (easily) make a gradient triangle in pure CSS.

Isn't the triangle transparent and has a background color that fills it? Because it isn't a image right now, when changing the colors with the palette it changes with them.
Isn't the triangle transparent and has a background color that fills it? Because it isn't a image right now, when changing the colors with the palette it changes with them.
As I said, you cannot easily create a triange with a fill or image in PURE CSS. You'll need to make this a block type square element and give it a background image that mimics the BG on the breadcrumb.
I still have a problem with the styler. All I get is a black bar at the top of the screen. I'll take a screenshot and post it when I get back home.
What would be the best way to change the sidebar width based on which usergroup is browsing? I have one usergroup that I'd like to display the sidebar one width and everyone else a different width. Conditionals in the EXTRA.css template maybe?
The EXTRA.css template doesn't support user group conditionals statements.

You would need to edit the template.
Looks like I'd have to duplicate css for the sidebar in the uix.css template, then throw a conditional statement in the page_container template to check for usergroup and display the appropriate class for the sidebar div. Is this right? Or am I thinking about this all wrong? Seems like there would be a much easier way to achieve this.
Come to think of it, is there a way to simply stretch the sidebar to the same width of a child div that's being displayed in a widget (using the Widget Framework)? I can use an expression in the widget to check for usergroup, but I need the sidebar to stretch wider than the specified width. That might be the easier route
Come to think of it, is there a way to simply stretch the sidebar to the same width of a child div that's being displayed in a widget (using the Widget Framework)? I can use an expression in the widget to check for usergroup, but I need the sidebar to stretch wider than the specified width. That might be the easier route
You could add a conditional to add a class to the html or body tags. Or just place your CSS in PAGE_CONTAINER.

And I don't recommend removing the width of the sidebar, not sure if anything would break (primarily collapsing sidebar). But Ive never tried so it might work fine.
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