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@Audentio One thing to report, and this isn't new, is the release files are littered with Window's desktop.ini files (looks like from Google Drive ;)). They're hidden in Windows explorer, so you might wanna work something into your build process to exclude them from the zip file.

Edit: Also some Thumbs.db files (and .old files, which I take it are mostly for your personal reference)... and even another copy of jquery, and multiple copies of the same libraries minified and unminified.

I think the whole distribution directory should be cleaned up a lot tbh.
Last edited:
If you disable the extended footer, the javascript implodes on itself. In your loop for rounded corners you try to select "#uix_footer_columns .pageContent" but it doesn't exist. This breaks a lot of javascript-reliant stuff.

Also, you minify the functions.js but don't use a minified jquery.cookie.js file..? Would be great if all javascripts were minified. :) Come to think of it, it would be REALLY nice if you managed to concat and minify all the js files so we can have one cacheable network request.

Also also, when you do a release it would be nice to know of any changed image files and style properties, since this style is pretty much a base style for real styles. I need to know what to update in my child themes.


It would be great if some sort of cache-busting tag would be included in the javascripts, like XenForo does with its own by default. My javascripts are stored on a CDN and cached there and locally for visitors for 1 full year.

Basically, without a ?_v=something tag I can't update my site.. because the requests are cached for 1 year for my visitors.. and without the updated JS the style doesn't work properly. I've added it to my child themes but it would be nice to see in core.

The default in the beta for page style has been changed to covered. Would think it would be 'default'? The forum node style also has a different 'default' than default. I get the notion that it's the XenForo default but it seems a bit counterintuitive.

Hovering over the 'Reports' and 'Admin' links when the user navigation isn't moved to the 'user bar' looks kinda ugly:

Screen Shot 2014-04-19 at 7.54.37 PM.webp

The top left rounded corner for the first navtab isn't removed when you have sticky navigation.

Zooming in on mobile should remove the sticky nav and the floating top button, or the style should be set not to be zoomable, because otherwise it covers the content.

Updating your status on mobile with sticky nav from the user dropdown seems to not work.

If your small logo is any wider than the default, it pushes the avatar down to the tabLinks row. Ideally it should fold navigation to avoid this.

A suggestion: move the 'Terms and Rules' and 'Privacy Policy' to the end of the right footer links, instead of the beginning.

Thanks Mike!
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Ill go ahead and launch, I don't think there are any major bugs.

@MattW I think I realized the iPhone issue. How tall is your iPhone :p The resolution height.

ETA: Didn't see Jeremy's post.
It's an iPhone 4S

  • 3.5-inch (diagonal) Retina display
  • 960x640 resolution
  • 326 ppi
It's an iPhone 4S

  • 3.5-inch (diagonal) Retina display
  • 960x640 resolution
  • 326 ppi
Damn. Nevermind then. If it was an older gen, it woulda been the fact that I purposefully remove the sticky nav at 480px or less. Well, Im stumped again. Ill keep looking.
I've Discovered a little issue with the sidebar icons on the Resource Manger when I filter for Prefixes.
The default Icon is created by this Code:
.section > .secondaryContent > h3:before, .resourceListSidebar > .secondaryContent > h3:before {
--Code Removed--
content: '\f152';
As far as I see this Code selects the Text "Filters" you see on the screenshot:
.section > .secondaryContent > h3:before
After I added this Code to my EXTRA.CSS the Icon is gone.
.section > .discussionListFilters > h3:before {
    content: none !important;


  • uix_rm_prefix.webp
    13.4 KB · Views: 12
I've Discovered a little issue with the sidebar icons on the Resource Manger when I filter for Prefixes.
The default Icon is created by this Code:
.section > .secondaryContent > h3:before, .resourceListSidebar > .secondaryContent > h3:before {
--Code Removed--
content: '\f152';
As far as I see this Code selects the Text "Filters" you see on the screenshot:
.section > .secondaryContent > h3:before
After I added this Code to my EXTRA.CSS the Icon is gone.
.section > .discussionListFilters > h3:before {
    content: none !important;

Thanks for posting, patched it. The problem is just that there is no easy way to add icons without editing EVERY widget/template. And we thought that was dumb just to add an icon. So this one of the anomalies. Not sure if there are others.
@Audentio One thing to report, and this isn't new, is the release files are littered with Window's desktop.ini files (looks like from Google Drive ;)). They're hidden in Windows explorer, so you might wanna work something into your build process to exclude them from the zip file.

Edit: Also some Thumbs.db files (and .old files, which I take it are mostly for your personal reference)... and even another copy of jquery, and multiple copies of the same libraries minified and unminified.

I think the whole distribution directory should be cleaned up a lot tbh.

I've tried creating .bat files to get rid of the .ini, ^.* files, can't figure it out. Its something lots of people who use Google Drive complain about. Google isn't fixing it. If anyone has insight, Im all ears.

If you disable the extended footer, the javascript implodes on itself. In your loop for rounded corners you try to select "#uix_footer_columns .pageContent" but it doesn't exist. This breaks a lot of javascript-reliant stuff.

Yes I found this as well. Will have a fix for it, good eye.

Also, you minify the functions.js but don't use a minified jquery.cookie.js file..? Would be great if all javascripts were minified. :) Come to think of it, it would be REALLY nice if you managed to concat and minify all the js files so we can have one cacheable network request.

Also also, when you do a release it would be nice to know of any changed image files and style properties, since this style is pretty much a base style for real styles. I need to know what to update in my child themes.


As for a list of 'changed style properties', that would be great I agree, but I cannot make note every time I change a style property. I go back and forth on lots of things many times. I want XenForo to build a way to upgrade Style Properties. As the UI.X product becomes more and more mature, I think that stuff like this will be easier to do. As it stands, its really tough.


It would be great if some sort of cache-busting tag would be included in the javascripts, like XenForo does with its own by default. My javascripts are stored on a CDN and cached there and locally for visitors for 1 full year.

Basically, without a ?_v=something tag I can't update my site.. because the requests are cached for 1 year for my visitors.. and without the updated JS the style doesn't work properly. I've added it to my child themes but it would be nice to see in core.

Added :D

The default in the beta for page style has been changed to covered. Would think it would be 'default'? The forum node style also has a different 'default' than default. I get the notion that it's the XenForo default but it seems a bit counterintuitive.

I want to make dropdown select menus for this, instead of 0, 1, 2, etc. but I'm not entirely sure how. I think I need a plugin to do so, and one of the cool things about UI.X is that it doesn't need a plugin. BUT, maybe its time :/. Still not sure how to go about doing it.

And the default is 'wrapped' not covered. Covered style is full width elements.

Anyways I agree it could be counter-intuitive, but thats just the way we set it up. Default means 'simple' as in a feature is OFF rather default for UI.X.

Hovering over the 'Reports' and 'Admin' links when the user navigation isn't moved to the 'user bar' looks kinda ugly:

View attachment 72034

Will have this sorted in the next release.

The top left rounded corner for the first navtab isn't removed when you have sticky navigation.

This is something Ive been putting off. Sssh >.> :P I might not have it ready for the next release, but it IS on the list.

Zooming in on mobile should remove the sticky nav and the floating top button, or the style should be set not to be zoomable, because otherwise it covers the content.

Yeh I can agree with that. Will add it to feature list.

Updating your status on mobile with sticky nav from the user dropdown seems to not work.

Can't quite see how UI.X would cause that. But will look into it.

If your small logo is any wider than the default, it pushes the avatar down to the tabLinks row. Ideally it should fold navigation to avoid this.

Due to the nature of the responsive navigation, doing stuff like this is painful and difficult. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Its the same for default theme. We need, dare I say, a better responsive navigation. Im not saying the one we have currently is bad, its just not perfect.

A suggestion: move the 'Terms and Rules' and 'Privacy Policy' to the end of the right footer links, instead of the beginning.

Thanks Mike!

Yep, did this. Put social media links to the right. Many people wanted to save some space in the footer, so this has finally been done.
I can't see an option to remove the extended footer in mobile, is there an easy way to do that?
Not a setting for everything. For something like this, you'd need a media query.

@media (max-width: @maxResponsiveNarrowWidth) {
#uix_footer_columns {display: none;}
I've tried creating .bat files to get rid of the .ini, ^.* files, can't figure it out. Its something lots of people who use Google Drive complain about. Google isn't fixing it. If anyone has insight, Im all ears.
Well, in truth it's probably not going to be fixed because it's not a bug. It's similar to how Mac creates .DS_Store among others throughout the filesystem. It's just standard Windows procedure, there's no getting rid of them.. it has to be done during the build/release process.

I could write a zip command that would ignore such files on Linux but I'm not a Windows person so I'm not sure how the same would apply there. I would do it during the compression part though because if you try to remove those files they're just going to be recreated.

Yes I found this as well. Will have a fix for it, good eye
Hopefully the javascript was modified to skip missing selectors? Had another issue with guests when not using the new userbar.

As for a list of 'changed style properties', that would be great I agree, but I cannot make note every time I change a style property. I go back and forth on lots of things many times. I want XenForo to build a way to upgrade Style Properties. As the UI.X product becomes more and more mature, I think that stuff like this will be easier to do. As it stands, its really tough.
I agree that style properties must be versioned in a future XenForo version, but it's not impossible (or even difficult) to account for changes. Just run a diff on the .xml file and see what properties have changed.

I use git to place my styles (and addons and everything else) under version control and I can tell when style properties have changed at the time of commit. (Of course I don't expect you to uproot your whole process but using git would eliminate the ugly Google Drive files as well, and GitHub has a beautiful Windows client ;)).

I agree it could be counter-intuitive, but thats just the way we set it up. Default means 'simple' as in a feature is OFF rather default for UI.X.
Seems like the wording could be changed a little to remedy it. Something like 'Regular' instead of 'Default'.

Can't quite see how UI.X would cause that. But will look into it.
It's not a technical problem, it's that focusing the textarea causes the drop down to close for some reason.

Due to the nature of the responsive navigation, doing stuff like this is painful and difficult. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Its the same for default theme. We need, dare I say, a better responsive navigation. Im not saying the one we have currently is bad, its just not perfect.
I agree with that, I was always a bit bothered by how XF implemented responsive design.. not to say I'm ungrateful. :)

And thank you so much for implementing/fixing the other things! Looking forward to the final release.
Sweet. Any thoughts on adding a button that goes to the bottom of the thread/last post to go with the go to top button?

Also, is it possible to shrink the button itself? It kind of takes up a big visual chunk of the screen when on mobile:
Also, is it possible to shrink the button itself? It kind of takes up a big visual chunk of the screen when on mobile:

I was actually looking for a way to remove the button for mobile, as it covers most of the editor space when you try to post.
I was actually looking for a way to remove the button for mobile, as it covers most of the editor space when you try to post.
The button is handy for non-iOS mobile users. But the go-to-bottom is much more functional, especially on my iPhone, where I can just double tap the top of the screen to jump up to the top.
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