Crowd fund MercDesign Media Gallery

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Coming to the thread mad late, but what do you get if you donate, versus if you don't? I already use xFR User Gallery.

Edit: Okay I see. What's trello and voting for suggestions sounds like jira...

If you pay $50 plus you get access to the trello board which shows progress and where you can make suggestions that other people who have paid that much can vote on suggestions etc. As for a more public roadmap there is one here but it is a little dated. Depending on how this goes I will update the roadmap etc.
TIL listing images next to one another is genius, this must make me a rocket scientist. :p
No it really is genius. I've found that my members would rather post their pics in threads than in the gallery because they know they are more likely to get comments and unique ratings (Post Ratings system). So that attachment system that leads directly to the post is actually very ingenious. *posts in the gallery attachments thread
Its a bit rude to discuss other galleries in Robbos funding thread.

That depends what the purpose is. If it is for generating ideas or get impressions about features which users would like to have, I find it very helpful to discus pro and cons of other galleries.

For example there seem to be many xF users, who use also the gallery software Photopost Pro. To be able to attract these users to switch, it is IMHO essential to offer some of the core features of that other gallery.

You can not switch, if your own users are missing basic features from the old software. So to be able to sell more Media Gallery, you have to look also what others are offering and how they solve problems you will have too. If you offer for example a feature for voting on images, you have to be aware what teh pro and cosn are, technically (how you track this to avoid cheating etc.) and psychologically with the users (some just kill each other on votings if you do it not right).

Do not reinvent the wheel, if you see prooven and established features somewhere else ;)
I already have a feature set decided on in my head and it will do far far better than that simple list of thumbnails you have linked. I doubt anyone will link anything better than what is planned... this isn't any small project.
I already have a feature set decided on in my head and it will do far far better than that simple list of thumbnails you have linked. I doubt anyone will link anything better than what is planned... this isn't any small project.
Does that mean you have something like Cell photo pop up?

When creating or editing a post, your users can open a popup window that will show them their pictures in the chosen gallery, albums or attachment system.
Does that mean you have something like Cell photo pop up?

When creating or editing a post, your users can open a popup window that will show them their pictures in the chosen gallery, albums or attachment system.

Let's give Robbo some faith and allow him to work on this. Once it's released you can make all the suggestions you want, but I suspect right now much of the suggestions are redundant and only distract Robbo from his work.
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