Media Gallery Updates

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Forgive me as I do not know the background to this story, what does he mean by saying that xenforo handled the situation poorly? Does anyone know?
The recent lawsuit and the uncertainty it caused.

I believe Robbo feels they should have been more open about what was going on and Robbo believes he lost sales because of how it was handled.
The recent lawsuit and the uncertainty it caused.

I believe Robbo feels they should have been more open about what was going on and Robbo believes he lost sales because of how it was handled.
From Robbo's post on his website, I agree that Robbo is getting paid below the minimum wage for the addons. But this is not customers' fault. He should have calculated the risk beforehand. Failing to get sufficient income is not our fault. On the other hand, we, customers, should also have anticipated the risk of never getting Media Gallery, before contributing to the funds for Media Gallery. While I agree that we can't do anything else except waiting, I don't like seeing Robbo blame other people but himself for the long delay. To me, and perhaps to other customers as well, Media Gallery is "infinitely" expensive until I have received a working version, even if I only paid 1 cent for the addon. But technically speaking, I did not pay for the addon, I donated. So ..., blame me :LOL:.
His thread he created blows my mind. How do you complain about making little money from xenForo add-ons and then at the same time proclaim you are going silent and not posting on, where your potential customers are?

Now that the lawsuit is over this is when he pisses in xenForo's cherrios? I am so confused.
His thread he created blows my mind. How do you complain about making little money from xenForo add-ons and then at the same time proclaim you are going silent and not posting on, where your potential customers are?

Now that the lawsuit is over this is when he pisses in xenForo's cherrios? I am so confused.

He may be a great coder, but every communication I've read from him on this board has convinced me to try not to buy anything from him. He needs to become a behind-the-scenes programmer and let someone else handle customer service...

I've been in biz for 30+ years and shudder at that kind of talk like "Hey, I'm not making enough money so I'm not gonna do what I said I was gonna go". It's better to just buck up, apologize, offer refunds (if warranted) and then work your arse off to prove your critics wrong.

Until then, the critics are 100% correct, IMHO.
Forgive me as I do not know the background to this story, what does he mean by saying that xenforo handled the situation poorly? Does anyone know?

Looking in reverse, XF may have handled the whole situation perfectly! Well, not perfectly, but perhaps in as good a way as can be expected. Sure, it was hard for all of us and especially developers, but most of us went in...or at least continued....with most of the facts. There was way too much complaining and drama. Childish stuff.
He has had very little contact, saying that 2500 was exactly the amount he needed. Money was raised, and people were counting. I put $100 in, and he should refund the money because he didn't he works on it in his spare time. I wouldn't hire him based on the fact he's been paid and now will do what he wants.

Now he wants no contact on the same place he begged for money...seems like bad business.
I saw this coming when you 'helped' ragtek and was going to integrate all of his paid and free addons into your company/site and never did so. Like how could you do a media gallery when you couldn't even help out ragtek? That's why I never got involved with the Media Gallery. Your too busy with your own projects to help people. You should keep this as a hobby.
Shame. Seems like there was a significant market here for him to capitalize on, especially now that the lawsuit is over. I, for one, was anxious to see this add-on developed, and was considering making a substantial donation.

Any chance another developer will take on a similar project?
This has been how he has operated since the beginning of his time here. Shame there are lots of great coders here who can deliver what they promise but a few guys like Robbo give the community as a whole a bad reputation.
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