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  • hey, just noticed on your sig that you sold your! WOW! rough ballpark figure for something like that? Whats the next big project?
    Most content web sites go for 3X the yearly if a web site brings in 100K per year, it can usually fetch 300K.....and so on. Taxes eat up a lot and when you figure it all out by the year, it ain't much (18 years+).
    Seasons Greetings, craigiri. So it may not be a white Christmas this year, with all the rain we've been having... But at least it will be east to travel. Happy Holidays
    Hi Craig,

    In trying to grow members and contents in my site, do you think giveaways would be great idea? What's your suggestions? ....regards
    It always depends on the exact site, audience, budget, subject, etc. I am doing some giveaways this month and I think it is doing some good. In the end, good content and good management are the most important things.
    Oh, yeah, I'll just give him a few pats and then move know, maybe 1% will soak in. You never know.
    Arguing with Fred is like slamming your head into a wall; all you get is a headache, and the realization that you've wasted tons of time.
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