Crowd fund MercDesign Media Gallery

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Glad to see this got funded :) Keep in mind though that Robbo only asked for the bare minimum amount to get this funded. If you want to support the developer please continue donating as he is basically doing this for incredibly cheap considering the work and expertise that goes into it.


Woops, responded just as Robbo did with practically the same message :p Awkward..
Glad to see this got funded :) Keep in mind though that Robbo only asked for the bare minimum amount to get this funded. If you want to support the developer please continue donating as he is basically doing this for incredibly cheap considering the work and expertise that goes into it.


Woops, responded just as Robbo did with practically the same message :p Awkward..
100% agree 1.5K is CHEAP for the time that'll be put in to this add-on.
And $50 (which is what the price will be when it gets released on special, full price will be $60) gets you a say in development and access to test builds.

I dont want to start a flamewar again about pricing but TBH, $60 for a well maintained (!) and good usable (!) gallery is a bargain. Look at Photopost Pro, it's crappy and full of bugs, and sells for $129.

Look for a way to offer two different version (Lite and Pro) or sell a unbranded version.

If your gallery is a good one (and I bet the $250 I spent on this Crowd funding on it) I want you to have success and maintain it for a long time. Maintenance is the key - software without maintenance ages fast.
The issue is this community. I can't really see it selling much at a higher price. As it is now my add-on sales barely pay bills so I am more doing this as an investment for XenForo is more popular. There will be one or two more add-ons after this one and that is it from me, just maintain and do work elsewhere.
The issue is this community. I can't really see it selling much at a higher price. As it is now my add-on sales barely pay bills so I am more doing this as an investment for XenForo is more popular. There will be one or two more add-ons after this one and that is it from me, just maintain and do work elsewhere.

I think it's mostly just the small size of the community that makes it hard to make a profit developing addons. I consider my addons partly an investment in the future of XenForo so that some day it will be big enough to make this kind of work profitable enough.

Bu yeah, it wears you down investing so much in development and seeing so little in return, people complaining about prices doesn't help either ("Omg why is it not free?!!1!").
Remember guys. Development costs are far greater than what I have put here (it is a safe bare minimum number that I can live off of). So anyone who hasn't contributed yet you still can. And $50 (which is what the price will be when it gets released on special, full price will be $60) gets you a say in development and access to test builds.

Full time development will be starting towards the end of next week and not stopping until public beta at least.


great to hear that this will work out now. Just a question for clarification. Those users who donated, will they get one licence of the new Media Gallery then for free, no matter whether they donated 25 or 50? This could be more incentive for users to donate even after the first goal was reached...

great to hear that this will work out now. Just a question for clarification. Those users who donated, will they get one licence of the new Media Gallery then for free, no matter whether they donated 25 or 50? This could be more incentive for users to donate even after the first goal was reached...
Yes they will. I will post updates as I go that the $50+ users have access to which might get some more as well.
People will find out if they press contribute what methods they have? I think most people just assume PayPal is supported these days.
View attachment 32739

Paypal comes after the green button :)
worked for me.

no, unfortunately not. This is why I asked a few days ago here. On that next page, nothing is written about PayPal:

New to Pozible? Sign Up Now

So how do I know whether this is not a spam of phishing site? Or another payment processor? I do not know pozible. If you read here through the thread, others asked the same. I guess many users stop at this page.

Just make it as easy as possible to give you money without a second thought. Put the paypal button on the front page ;)

Also a user should not to be forced to register first on an unknown site before beeing able to donate via paypal.
no, unfortunately not. This is why I asked a few days ago here. On that next page, nothing is written about PayPal:

So how do I know whether this is not a spam of phishing site? Or another payment processor? I do not know pozible. If you read here through the thread, others asked the same. so make it as easy as possible to give you money without a second thought ;)

Um how do you not know?

1. Pozible is what they are using to track their donations
2. Look at the other people that signed up to use it.
3. Read 1 and 2.
It's an established crowd sourcing tool.
like kickstarter, with a different name.

Here, you go.
Page 2
Just above the green section: Payment by: debit, credit, paypal.
Indeed, it's an Australian version of the crowd funding platform Kickstarter.

It may be unkown to you because you're not Australian, but it's been around for a couple of years and is featured in a list of possible crowd funding platforms recommended by Mashable.
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