Crowd fund MercDesign Media Gallery

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This isn't about project management or bug tracking. It is feedback/idea management which can do well enough. I'm going to get the $15/month plan on it since I need it private which isn't free and then also going to set up the free helpdesk they have later.

Just got to set this stuff up and then send out emails to everyone. And also setup the repository and build system with it.

Also so people know there will be a pre-order option for $50. Same as the reward to get into all of this. Got to set that up as well.
Can we jump in anytime and get involved in the development process by making a donation - or has that window now closed?

Shaun :D
Ah, I assumed a pre-order would be something done quite close to release. :)

I'll await the link/instructions. (y)
Ah, I assumed a pre-order would be something done quite close to release. :)

I'll await the link/instructions. (y)
Makes sense to do it now as people want in now and also I'm hungry :p Clients have dried up and I'm living on nothing.. oh well.
Just updated first post with some details... pasting below.

The Crowd Fund is over! Adding a quick FAQ below.

I missed the crowd fund but still want to get access to private development, can I?
Short answer: Yes, contact me.
Details: There is now a pre-order option (which will be displayed on my website some time soon) for the same price as the pozible reward to get this access, $50 AUD. If you have already spent money on Simple Gallery or the $25 reward you just have to bump the amount you have spent to $50. To do this message me on here or my website and I will give details to pay. If you have spent money on this before I will need details (most like PayPal transaction details) and your price will be discounted accordingly.

When will our rewards be processed?
The $25+ reward has already been processed. I sent out an email to contact me for the Simple Gallery license. If you have not done this yet you can at any time.
$50+ rewards are being processed now. You will receive an email with instructions to give feedback and how to access nightly builds.
As for the final 2 rewards, $100+ and $250+ you can contact me at any time to sort out what you want.

When will this be released?
When it is done. Due to pre-orders and the amount of people I will have in private development I can keep this under development until it is properly ready. Also the price will be $40 for the first week and then $50 after that. So pre-ordering is the normal price.

Will there be an importer from *insert software here*?
I see this question a lot. During private development there will be no importers created, it will be left until last. Most likely just before public release or just after. Currently planned importers are as follows: Simple Gallery, [XFR] User Albums, IP.Gallery and PhotoPost. However what people need (plural, not making an importer for a single person.. they take a long time to make) they will generally get.
Will there be an importer from *insert software here*?
I see this question a lot. During private development there will be no importers created, it will be left until last. Most likely just before public release or just after. Currently planned importers are as follows: Simple Gallery, [XFR] User Albums, IP.Gallery and PhotoPost. However what people need (plural, not making an importer for a single person.. they take a long time to make) they will generally get.

Ok +1 for Photopost importer. :)
Yeah you can vote for those suggestions on the feedback site. Suggestions will generally be implemented regardless but the most popular ones come first.
Any news on this ?

I have no mail for any news or how everything is going, of course I want to know whats happening, even when I have no access to the forum or project site but I have a valid licence for the final product.
This is an upgrade from Simple Gallery 1.0.2.
What happen if I purchase Simple Gallery 1.0.2 today, would I still be able to use 2.0?
I will like to see this product live before the new year:)
I'm not going to do a traditional upgrade due to the massive changes however I am going to make importers for everything, first will be simple gallery.
Any idea when 2.0 will be ready? I would prefer to buy the latest versus buy current version and have to change or do importers.
I'm not going to do a traditional upgrade due to the massive changes however I am going to make importers for everything, first will be simple gallery.
What about the $$ do we get a discount if we buy gallery v1 now?
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