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Where do I turn on the NEW and ADMIN posts indicator for posts. I can't seem to find it in style properties.

UPDATE: It does indeed show a NEW indicator. Still looking into the ADMIN one.
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I know that it comes as default, but to me it's redundant to have a menu saying Forums, Media, Members and then when the dropdown menu opens, you have that same thing repeated.

In the pic you can see that when you open Forums, the dropdown menu says Forums again and then Quick Links.
Is it possible to hide those texts to make it look cleaner?

Talking about the dropdown menu:
How may I make the background solid?
How may I delete the green line that appears between the main button and the dropdown menu?


The node's text looks off centre, it's closer to the top.
How may I centre it?

I'm using BbCodes & Buttons Manager and I have a single button for Quote, Spoiler, Code and Save Draft, but the icons aren't showing up.

I've tried to add the icons using EXTRA.css, but I couldn't make it work.
Can somebody please help me? :)

Thank you @Axel B! (y)


Here is the code, in case anyone else needs it. :)

html .redactor_toolbar li a.redactor_btn_insertquote:before     {content: "\f10e";}
html .redactor_toolbar li a.redactor_btn_insertspoiler:before     {content: "\f070";}
html .redactor_toolbar li a.redactor_btn_insertcode:before     {content: "\f121";}
html .redactor_toolbar li a.redactor_btn_draftsave:before     {content: "\f0c7";}
<xen:if hascontent="true">
<div class="funbox">
<div class="funboxWrapper">

<xen:if hascontent="true">
<xen:hook name="ad_header" />


<xen:elseif is="{$visitor.is_admin} && @uix_previewAdPositions" />
<div>{xen:phrase 'template'}: ad_header</div>


UI.X style, How do I insert two images with links in ad_header template. Appreciate if you can post code

Hey guys - I am updating UI.X on my dev server and am experiencing an issue with the footer. I see the "why" with the code issue, but I do know the solution as I thought I updated properly.

Comparing code and looking in Firefox, the actual code output/css is different. I use a child theme of UI.X like we're supposed to, I have no template edits except in EXTRA.css - so I'm not sure why my code is different from the UI.X demo code. I see no notifications for template updates needed etc. either. See images below:

My code/layout:


UI.X Demo code/layout:


So I see bigFooter is gone, there's uix_footer_columns now, etc.

What am I doing wrong, or what's happened that I missed? Any help appreciated as this is the only thing holding up my live server update. Also fyi, I have uploaded and force installed several times hoping something had muffed on upload, no luck there either.
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After searching what adds bigFooter etc. - I do see that there may be an issue with the core UI.X style.

One thing I did not do initially, it turn the addon off before installing. Could that have caused all this?

If I look at the templates currently for UI.X, I see this:


When I view uix_extendedFooter - and click on view history, I see:


and finally, clicking compare versions I see:


The red is the new code as far as I can tell?

What did I do to cause this, or did I?
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