No permission to download
Remove @uix_alwaysShowNavDropdownArrow style property.
Remove @uix_showNavigationArrowsOnHover style property.
May I ask why these were removed?

Now I have menus dropping down if the user just hovers on the tab itself. That's not something I personally want.

IMHO, it's fine to add options to the style. But don't take functionality away when issuing an update.
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Does anyone know what code they used to modify their footer headings, specifically the font? It won't edit the font but it will change every other thing for the heading.
@Mike Creuzer,

Just wanted to say thanks for making an awesome style/framework.

I updated the style from a early version in 2013 and the process/addon have fantastic. Placing our own edits back in was also a breeze.

Theres only one little thing I need, but I sent you a ticket through your site.

Keep up the great work.
I upgraded to the latest version and i could not emerge the navigation automatically which is asking for manual upgrades. How do i do this and i found out that "home" tab is showing twice like the screen shot below. How do i remove this too?


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I upgraded to the latest version and i could not emerge the navigation automatically which is asking for manual upgrades. How do i do this and i found out that "home" tab is showing twice like the screen shot below. How do i remove this too?

View attachment 106356

View attachment 106357
View attachment 106358
I tend to open the template and look at the template modifications I have made (actually I always note these separately anyway in case of a disaster, if you don't do that then find these and write them down, using the View Custom Changes link). Then I revert the template, after which I add back in the modifications I made.
I tend to open the template and look at the template modifications I have made (actually I always note these separately anyway in case of a disaster, if you don't do that then find these and write them down, using the View Custom Changes link). Then I revert the template, after which I add back in the modifications I made.
That's what I do as well however after this last round of confusing update process, as soon as I re-add the code, I get custom merging by hand message.

I'm ignoring it but it is irritating.
That's what I do as well however after this last round of confusing update process, as soon as I re-add the code, I get custom merging by hand message.

I'm ignoring it but it is irritating.

Could you PM me the contents of your 'navigation' template and I'll take a quick look at it.

Also, this will happen if you are running an older version of XenForo and 1.4.7 of UI.X.


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Guys, one of my customers is having issues each time the theme / addon is updated.

None of the SQL queries are running

I've manaully executed them, and one is still causing issues

MariaDB [forum]> ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_sidebar` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `uix_sticky_treads`;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'uix_sticky_treads' in 'xf_user_option'
MariaDB [forum]> describe xf_user_option;
| Field                      | Type                                    | Null | Key | Default  | Extra |
| user_id                    | int(10) unsigned                        | NO   | PRI | NULL     |       |
| show_dob_year              | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| show_dob_date              | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| content_show_signature     | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| receive_admin_email        | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| email_on_conversation      | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| is_discouraged             | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 0        |       |
| default_watch_state        | enum('','watch_no_email','watch_email') | NO   |     |          |       |
| alert_optout               | text                                    | NO   |     | NULL     |       |
| enable_rte                 | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| enable_flash_uploader      | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| livefeed_widget_personal   | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 0        |       |
| liveupdate_display_option  | enum('','tab_title','tab_icon','both')  | NO   |     | tab_icon |       |
| brpc_show_profile_cover    | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| thread_display_mode        | enum('newest_first','oldest_first','')  | NO   |     |          |       |
| uix_sticky_navigation      | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| uix_sticky_userbar         | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| uix_sticky_sidebar         | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| uix_width                  | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 1        |       |
| uix_collapse_stuck_threads | tinyint(3) unsigned                     | NO   |     | 0        |       |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [forum]>

There is no uix_sticky_treads column to add after. Any ideas?
Found 2 files trying to add that column:

Listener/Install/1000271.php:           "ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_sidebar` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;",
Listener/Install/1000203.php:           "ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_sidebar` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `uix_sticky_treads`;",

I think the 1000271.php was never executed, so I've ran that manually now

MariaDB [forum]> ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_sidebar` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

MariaDB [forum]>
HI guys , where to edit User Groups banners , want to make them a little smaller
Found 2 files trying to add that column:

Listener/Install/1000271.php:           "ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_sidebar` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;",
Listener/Install/1000203.php:           "ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_sidebar` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `uix_sticky_treads`;",

I think the 1000271.php was never executed, so I've ran that manually now

MariaDB [forum]> ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_sidebar` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

MariaDB [forum]>

You can ignore the one in 1000203.php, it has been removed and shouldn't have been there in the current released version but it shouldn't be an issue. I can't replicate an issue with 1000271.php not running though. What version of PHP is he running?
I tend to open the template and look at the template modifications I have made (actually I always note these separately anyway in case of a disaster, if you don't do that then find these and write them down, using the View Custom Changes link). Then I revert the template, after which I add back in the modifications I made.
Thanks for your suggestion. I did not make any change to the template - I just upgraded to the latest UI.X and I started to see this?
You can ignore the one in 1000203.php, it has been removed and shouldn't have been there in the current released version but it shouldn't be an issue. I can't replicate an issue with 1000271.php not running though. What version of PHP is he running?
He's running 5.6.8

We've had the issue previously as well, and had to manually execute the statements.
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