No permission to download
So it's more like:
-- UIX (source files - disabled from view, do not edit directly)
----- BASE Theme (make all major edits here that you want applied to both, disabled from view though)
---------- UI.X Dark (source files, uploaded manually from child XML - disabled from view, do not edit directly)
--------------- DARK - the theme that is enabled for viewing (copy of child XML for editing purposes)
---------- LIGHT - the theme that is enabled for viewing

I'll have to update Dark manually each time and won't be able to use the UI.X addon, correct?
Correct. And you won't want to associate it with the add-on. We didn't build the ability to install things as a child style because, well, most people don't have both the dark and light versions. We did consider it but thought it would make things complicated.
I am facing the same issue as @Kazyyk (was?)
The Welcome-message is displayed on the forum list and the option "Use style properties for welcome block" is enabled. I also cleared my cookies and this still shows up in the forum list.

What's wrong?
I am facing the same issue as @Kazyyk (was?)
The Welcome-message is displayed on the forum list and the option "Use style properties for welcome block" is enabled. I also cleared my cookies and this still shows up in the forum list.

What's wrong?
Likely outdated templates. Is page_container outdated?
Try hard refresh. Make sure use style properties for welcome block is on and that the welcome style property is off. We have it setup in the next release where the add-on values are off by default, our mistake there.
Issue is solved now, Thank you!
Also this Welcome block is only being displayed for logged in members, it was displayed to everyone before, why?
Seems like the 2 last standing issues are the "sticky navigation" and the "Node Tree".

The sticky navigation is disappearing at a certain screen size even thought all "Landscape Viewport .." are set to "0" in UI.X Header.
And as for the Node Tree, the Grid options are not affecting the actual look of the "Forums" tab, all forums are now sorted in 1 column although the grid options are still the same as they were before.
Any clue what could be the issue here?
Seems like the 2 last standing issues are the "sticky navigation" and the "Node Tree".

The sticky navigation is disappearing at a certain screen size even thought all "Landscape Viewport .." are set to "0" in UI.X Header.
And as for the Node Tree, the Grid options are not affecting the actual look of the "Forums" tab, all forums are now sorted in 1 column although the grid options are still the same as they were before.
Any clue what could be the issue here?
We're about to release an update that has a new uix.debug() so that we can see whats going on a bit easier. Itll be released in a few seconds so try the upgrade then if you have these issues post that so we can see where your settings are at.
Mike Creuzer updated UI.X with a new update entry:

Update to XenForo 1.4.7

Hey all,

Not a huge release here just wanted to make sure we got an update out for XenForo 1.4.7.


  1. Statically position node stats icons
  2. Remove @uix_alwaysShowNavDropdownArrow style property.
  3. Remove @uix_showNavigationArrowsOnHover style property.
  4. Add to UI.X Navigation style properties a dropdown for dropdown arrow style
  5. Improved formatting and organization of uix.debug(). Also include more variables to further help debugging.
  6. Touch Friendly Nav...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Undefined variable: backupXmlFile

    XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in Audentio/UIX/ControllerAdmin/UIXStyle.php at line 293
    Audentio_UIX_ControllerAdmin_UIXStyle->actionInstallStep2() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
    XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
    XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/xxx/public_html/xenforo/admin.php at line 13
Undefined variable: backupXmlFile

    XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in Audentio/UIX/ControllerAdmin/UIXStyle.php at line 293
    Audentio_UIX_ControllerAdmin_UIXStyle->actionInstallStep2() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
    XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
    XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/xxx/public_html/xenforo/admin.php at line 13
Try again just updated it, forgot to add the .xml file >.<
this ">" symbol appeared after last update on menu, how to remove?
Correct. And you won't want to associate it with the add-on. We didn't build the ability to install things as a child style because, well, most people don't have both the dark and light versions. We did consider it but thought it would make things complicated.
Then why not just?
-- UIX (source files - disabled from view, do not edit directly)
----- LIGHT
---------- DARK
Merge as needed.
I mean ui.x dark really is just a few color changes. You could do this structure. But you'd be editing ui.x dark child. Which honestly is ok so long as it isn't ui.x dark parent version.
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